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How the Reproducible Output is generated with Azure OpenAI Service?

Azure OpenAI Service is a fully managed service that provides REST API access to OpenAI’s powerful language models. It includes GPT-4, GPT-4 Turbo with Vision, GPT-3.5-Turbo, and the Embeddings model series. These models can be adapted to various tasks including content generation, summarization, image understanding, semantic search, and natural language to code translation.

Azure OpenAI Service is designed with Azure security and promise. It co-develops the APIs with OpenAI, ensuring compatibility and a smooth transition from one to the other. Users can access the service through REST APIs, Python SDK, or the web-based interface in the Azure OpenAI Studio.

Reproducibility is a critical aspect of machine learning and data analysis. Azure OpenAI Service supports reproducibility by allowing users to set a seed parameter when creating completions. This parameter controls the randomness of the model, ensuring that the same input will always produce the same output, thereby achieving reproducible results.

Importance of Reproducible Output in Data Analysis and Machine Learning

Reproducibility in machine learning and data analysis is of paramount importance. It reduces or eliminates variations when rerunning failed jobs or prior experiments, making it essential in fault tolerance and iterative refinement of models. This capability becomes increasingly important as sophisticated models and real-time data streams push us toward distributed training across clusters of GPUs.

Reproducibility ensures data consistency, which can become challenging if no one is sure that the Machine learning project results are correct. It helps teams reduce errors and ambiguity when projects move from development to production. Moreover, a reproducible ML application is naturally built to scale with business growth.

Understanding Reproducibility

Reproducible output in the context of programming and data analysis refers to the ability to obtain the same results from running the same code with the same data, regardless of the environment or the time it is run. This is a crucial aspect of scientific research and data analysis and the findings are independently verified and trusted.

How the Reproducible Output is generated with Azure OpenAI Service?

In the above diagram, the OpenAI system would generate the same text response whenever it receives the same prompt and seeding values.

  • Prompt: This is the text input to the Large Language Model (LLM) through the user interface. It essentially instructs the LLM on what kind of text to generate.

  • Seeding: This refers to a specific value or set of values provided to the system that influences the randomness of the output. The system produces the same response using the same seed value for a given prompt.

The idea behind reproducible output generation is that it allows for consistency and the ability to recreate specific results. This can be beneficial for several reasons, such as:

  • Debugging: If you get an unexpected response from the LLM, you can use reproducible output generation to regenerate the same response and help identify the cause of the issue.

  • Maintaining creative text format: If you want the LLM to consistently generate a specific creative text format, like a poem or code, you can use reproducible output generation to maintain the format

However, it's important to note that the concept of reproducible output generation is still under development, and there may be limitations. For instance, due to inherent randomness in the LLM, the system might not always generate the same output even with the same inputs.

The diagram also includes other components that are involved in the text-generation process:

  • Log probabilities: These represent the likelihood of each word being generated by the LLM at each step in the process.

  • System Fingerprints: These are unique identifiers for the specific LLM version and its configuration used to generate the text.

Achieving reproducible output involves several practices:

  1. Version Control: Use version control systems like Git to track changes in your code over time. This allows you to go to any previous state of your code, which is essential for reproducing your results.

  2. Literate Programming: Combine your source code and documentation. Tools like Jupyter Notebooks or R Markdown allow you to interleave code, text, and outputs in a single document, making it easier to track what each part of your code does.

  3. Use of Functions: Write your functions that standardize how a task is performed and how the output is formatted. This ensures that the same task produces the same output every time.

  4. Package Management: Use package managers like Conda or Docker to manage the versions of the libraries and tools you’re using. This ensures the code will run the same way even if the libraries are updated.

  5. Data Management: Keep a copy of the data you used for your analysis. For large datasets, consider using data repositories.

Supported Models

Reproducible output is currently supported with the following models in Azure OpenAI Service:

  • GPT-35-turbo (1106)

  • GPT-35-turbo (0125)

  • GPT-4 (1106-Preview)

  • GPT-4 (0125-Preview)

Generating Reproducible Output with Azure OpenAI Service

STEP 1: Navigate to Azure OpenAI Studio and have access to your OpenAI resource.

STEP 2: You need to deploy the model. If the resource doesn't have a deployment, select "Create a deployment" and follow the instructions.

STEP 3: To generate reproducible output in Azure OpenAI service, you pass extra parameters when you initiate Azure OpenAI.

The extra parameters for reproducible output in Azure OpenAI Service are passed when you create a new completion with the method.

When you create a new completion, call the method. This method takes several parameters that define the task you’re asking the AI to perform. These parameters include the model you’re using, the prompt you’re giving the model, and various settings that control the output.

The “extra parameters for reproducible output” refer to additional settings you can provide when creating a completion to ensure that the output is reproducible, i.e., the same input will always produce the same output. These parameters include:

  • seed: This initializes the random number generator used by the AI model. By setting the seed to a fixed value, you ensure that the model’s randomness is always the same, which makes the output reproducible.

  • temperature: This controls the randomness of the AI’s output. A lower temperature makes the output more deterministic, while a higher temperature makes it more diverse.

  • max_tokens: This limits the length of the output. By setting a fixed limit, you ensure that the output is always of the same length.

Here’s an example of how you might pass these parameters when creating a completion:

import os
from openai import AzureOpenAI

client = AzureOpenAI(

for i in range(3):
    print(f'Story Version {i + 1}\\n---')
    response =
        model="gpt-35-turbo-0125",  # Model = should match the deployment name you chose for your 0125-preview model deployment
        seed=42,  # This is the key for reproducible output
            {"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant."},
            {"role": "user", "content": "Tell me a story about how the universe began?"}
    del response

In the above code, the seed parameter is set to an integer of your choice (in this case, 42). This parameter is the key to achieving reproducible output. You will use the same value for the seed parameter across requests to get deterministic outputs.

STEP 4: You can test the output by running the same code multiple times. You should notice that the output is the same each time, demonstrating the reproducibility of the result.

Best Practices for Reproducibility with Azure OpenAI Service

Here are some best practices and tips for ensuring reproducibility when using Azure OpenAI Service:

1. Use the Seed Parameter The seed parameter is a key feature for achieving reproducible output with Azure OpenAI Service. By setting the seed parameter to a fixed integer value, you can ensure that the model’s randomness is always the same, which makes the output reproducible.

2. Consistent Model and API Version Use the same model and API version across different runs to ensure consistency in the output. Changes in the model or API version can lead to differences in the output.

3. Consistent Parameters Other parameters like temperature and max_tokens play a role in the generated output. To achieve truly reproducible results, you should keep all these parameters consistent across runs.

4. Understand the Limitations Reproducible output is currently only supported with certain models and API versions. Make sure to check the Azure OpenAI Service documentation for the latest updates.

5. Responsible AI Practices Follow the Microsoft Responsible AI Standard, which sets policy requirements that engineering teams follow. This includes identifying, measuring, mitigating potential harms, and planning of how to operate the AI system.

6. Consolidate Workloads Consolidate Azure OpenAI workloads under a single Azure subscription to streamline management and cost optimization.

7. User Guidelines Publish user guidelines and best practices to help users and stakeholders use the system appropriately.

Case Study

Let’s consider a case study of CarMax, a used car retailer. CarMax used Azure OpenAI Service to help summarize 100,000 customer reviews into short descriptions that surface key takeaways for each make, model, and year of vehicle in its inventory.

Here is an idea of how you might approach this task using Python and Azure OpenAI Service.

import os
from openai import AzureOpenAI

# Set up the client
client = AzureOpenAI(

# Assume we have a list of reviews
reviews = ["review1", "review2", "review3", "..."]  # replace with actual reviews

# Initialize an empty list to store the summaries
summaries = []

# Loop through the reviews
for review in reviews:
    # Generate a summary for each review
    response =
        model="gpt-35-turbo-0125",  # Model = should match the deployment name you chose for your 0125-preview model deployment
        seed=42,  # This is the key for reproducible output
            {"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant."},
            {"role": "user", "content": f"Summarize this review: {review}"}
    # Append the summary to the list

# Now you have a list of summaries for each review

This code assumes that you have a list of reviews and want to generate a summary for each review. It uses the Azure OpenAI Service to generate the summaries. Please note that this is a simplified example and the actual implementation may vary based on the specifics of your use case and data. Also, please replace "review1", "review2", "review3", "..." with your actual reviews.

Analysis of the Case Study:

  1. Use of Azure OpenAI Service: CarMax leveraged Azure OpenAI Service to process huge customer reviews. This demonstrates the scalability of Azure OpenAI Service and its ability to handle large datasets.

  2. Reproducible Output: Using Azure OpenAI Service, CarMax was able to generate consistent and reproducible summaries of customer reviews. This is crucial for maintaining the quality and reliability of the insights derived from the reviews.

  3. Business Impact: The reproducible output by Azure OpenAI Service enabled CarMax to surface key takeaways for each vehicle in its inventory. This likely enhanced the shopping experience for customers and informed business decisions.

Lessons Learned:

  1. Scalability: Azure OpenAI Service can handle large volumes of data, making it suitable for businesses with extensive data processing needs.

  2. Consistency: Azure OpenAI Service can generate reproducible output, ensuring consistency and reliability in the insights derived from data.

  3. Business Value: The Azure OpenAI Service can impact business, from enhancing customer experience to informing business decisions.


Azure OpenAI Service is a powerful tool that provides access to advanced language models. It supports reproducibility, a crucial aspect in data analysis and machine learning, by allowing users to set a seed parameter when creating completions. This controls the randomness of the model, ensuring that the same input will always produce the same output. However, achieving truly reproducible results also requires models, parameters, and API versions.


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