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SQL Server Management Studio 18.7 now generally available
The release of SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 18.7 is now generally available for download. Today we’re sharing some of the updates...
The Tech Platform
Oct 24, 2020

Best Programming Language You should know for CyberSecurity
Wh Programming Language is Important for Cybersecurity While it would be impossible for any one person to fill all the roles that make an...
The Tech Platform
Oct 16, 2020

Query optimization techniques in SQL Server: tips and tricks
Query Optimization in SQL - Fixing bad queries and resolving performance...
The Tech Platform
Oct 12, 2020

MySQL Functions: Cheatsheet with examples
All commonly used MySQL functions in one place with examples and a short explanation. There are a ton of functions provided by MySQL and...
The Tech Platform
Sep 26, 2020

Reasons to Migrate your ASP.NET Apps and SQL Server data to Azure
In this article, we will learn what are the main reasons to Migrate your ASP.NET Apps and SQL Server data to Azure. ASP.NET is a popular...
The Tech Platform
Sep 10, 2020

The Ultimate Cheat Sheet for Data Scientists
If you’re a data scientist, you know all too well the vast number of SQL commands, algorithms and Excel functions that go into your job....
The Tech Platform
Aug 31, 2020

SQL (Structured Query Language)
SQL is a domain-specific language used in programming and designed for managing data held in a relational database management system...
The Tech Platform
Aug 1, 2020

How To Create A SQL Database In Azure
Introduction In this article you will see how to create an Azure SQL Database in the Azure portal. Azure SQL Database is a relational...
Vijai Anand Ramalingam
Mar 11, 2019
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