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Network Graph in Python
A network graph is a chart that displays relations between elements (nodes) using simple links. Network graph allows us to visualize...
The Tech Platform
Aug 1, 2022

Program to make Calculator in Python
Create a simple calculator which can perform basic arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division...
The Tech Platform
Jul 28, 2022

CSS Functions
Functions in CSS are used to set the various CSS property. For example, the attr() function is used to retrieve the value of the HTML...
The Tech Platform
Jun 28, 2022

Write a Program to convert the temperature in C++
Algorithm: Temperature Conversion This algorithm inputs a temperature in Fahrenheit and converts into centigrade. Start Input Temperature...
The Tech Platform
Jun 27, 2022

Python program to Convert Hours to Seconds
Convert Hours to Seconds In this program, we need to multiply hours with 60 (1 hour = 60 minutes ) so that we get in minutes, and once we...
The Tech Platform
Jun 17, 2022

How to handle 404 errors in ASP.NET Core MVC
In ASP.NET Core MVC, a 404 error (also known as HTTP error 404) occurs when the server cannot find the requested resource or page. This...
The Tech Platform
May 30, 2022

The Best Programming Languages for Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is the on-demand availability of computer system resources, especially data storage and computing power, without direct...
The Tech Platform
May 28, 2022

How to Create Executable Applications in Python
With auto-py-to-exe ,a project by Brent Vollebregt we can easily create our own executable Python applications. Underneath the GUI is...
The Tech Platform
May 26, 2022

How to add Image in Title bar in HTML?
The majority of websites add an icon or image logo in the title bar. The icon logo is also called a favicon. Favicon, which is also known...
The Tech Platform
May 21, 2022

How to Find Missing Number in a Sorted Array in Java?
Tips to find the missing number in a sorted array: Find the sum of n number using formula n=n*(n+1)/2 Find the sum of elements present in...
The Tech Platform
May 20, 2022
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