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How to link CSS to HTML
This tutorial will teach you to link CSS to HTML with three different methods. Linking CSS to HTML refers to the process of connecting a...
Sofia Sondh
Feb 1, 2023

CSS Flip cards
CSS flippable cards are a design pattern used to create cards that can be flipped over to reveal additional content. This effect is...
Sofia Sondh
Jan 29, 2023

JavaScript vs TypeScript
In this article, we will learn the Similarities and the difference between JavaScript and TypeScript. JavaScript: JavaScript is a...
Sofia Sondh
Jan 28, 2023

HTML - Input Type ="file"
The "input" tag in HTML is used to create various types of input fields, such as text fields, radio buttons, checkboxes, and more. One of...
Sofia Sondh
Jan 27, 2023

Top 10 useful advanced HTML attributes
In HTML, an attribute is a property of an HTML element that provides additional information or instructions about how that element should...
Sofia Sondh
Jan 25, 2023

Enumeration in JavaScript
In JavaScript, enumeration is the process of iterating over the properties of an object or elements in an array. enumeration refers to...
The Tech Platform
Jan 20, 2023

CSS concepts every Web Developer should know
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a language used to describe the presentation of a document written in a markup language. It is used to...
Sofia Sondh
Jan 20, 2023

CSS Code Generator for Web Development
Web developers and designers constantly search for shortcuts that improve productivity. Development tools have improved dramatically in...
The Tech Platform
Dec 14, 2022

Best Web Scraping Tools for Python
Web scraping is a technique for extracting information from websites. It involves making HTTP requests to a website's server, downloading...
The Tech Platform
Dec 11, 2022

10 Best Practices to Containerize Node.js Web Applications with Docker
The following article provides production-grade guidelines for building optimized and secure Node.js Docker images. You’ll find it...
The Tech Platform
Dec 10, 2022
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