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The Tech Platform
Sep 27, 2021
10 Useful Tips for Writing Effective Bash Scripts in Linux
Bash Scripting is a powerful part of system administration and development used at an extreme level. It is used by the System...

The Tech Platform
May 29, 2021
My RCE PoC walkthrough for (CVE-2021–21974) VMware ESXi OpenSLP heap-overflow vulnerability
During a recent engagement, I discovered a machine that is running VMware ESXi 6.7.0. Upon inspecting any known vulnerabilities...

The Tech Platform
Feb 9, 2021
Detect Noise Level Audio Decibels in MXChip Azure IoT DevKit
Playing with Azure IoT DevKit MXChip is always fun, the device has many capabilities. For the past few days, I have been working with...
The Tech Platform
Dec 6, 2020
County Money in Greedy Algorithm
Given a value V, if we want to make a change for V Rs, and we have an infinite supply of each of the denominations in Indian currency,...

The Tech Platform
Nov 2, 2020
Insertion Sort Implementation In C
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdbool.h> #define MAX 7 //defining size of our array int intArray[MAX] = {4,6,3,2,1,9,7}; void...

The Tech Platform
Aug 28, 2020
"The Same Game", Part 5 of 5: Adding an Undo/Redo Stack and Keyboard Accelerators
Introduction This is it. We are almost done with our version of the SameGame. We've discussed quite a few topics ranging from event...

The Tech Platform
Aug 28, 2020
"The Same Game", Part 4 of 5: Adjusting Board Size and Block Count
Introduction Our version of the SameGame is really taking shape. We have a game that can be played from start to finish in five different...

The Tech Platform
Aug 28, 2020
"The Same Game": A Simple Game from Start to Finish - PART-2
Document/View Architecture The document/view architecture is an interesting paradigm where we separate the actual application data from...

The Tech Platform
Feb 5, 2020
Local Privilege Escalation in many Ricoh Printer Drivers for Windows (CVE-2019-19363)
Pentagrid AG 2020-01-22 07:42 (updated 2020-01-31 12:42) Pentagrid has been asked to manage the coordinated disclosure process for a...
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