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The Tech Platform
Nov 12, 2021
CQRS vs Classical n-layer application
When building an API the typical practice is to divide it into parts, simplest would be presentation, service / business logic and data...

The Tech Platform
Nov 10, 2021
How to use cancellation tokens?
A CancellationToken enables cooperative cancellation between threads, thread pool work items, or Task objects. You create a cancellation...

The Tech Platform
Oct 20, 2021
API Versioning Methods : A Brief Introduction
Versioning is the practice of creating collaborative data sharing and editing controls to ensure that your product continues to give...

The Tech Platform
Oct 18, 2021
.Net 5 Web API with Ocelot - Multiple Auth Schemes JWT
Ocelot its a great package which provide resources to build Api gateways. If you aren’t familiarized with this concept, check this link...

The Tech Platform
Oct 12, 2021
Functional DI in Nodejs for .Net developers
At Ohpen our main stack is .Net and we love it :) ! It serves well to create performant web apis with many endpoints. When I started...

The Tech Platform
Sep 29, 2021
How to Perform Named Entity Recognition (NER) in Python
Due to all the potential special cases and other issues, attempting to set up a system for recognizing named entities (NER) can be quite...

The Tech Platform
Aug 18, 2021
A scratch guide to API versioning in ASP.NET Core
If I call an API with a URL of, I’ll get the following response: { "id": 4, "name": "The Eagles, man" }...

The Tech Platform
Jul 13, 2021
Micro APIs with OpenFaaS and .NET
Serverless functions are becoming increasingly popular, but not everything fits into that model. And although it is possible to create an...

The Tech Platform
Jul 13, 2021
Send multi-part content to an API from a .NET Core API (.NET 5.0)
Scenario — You are developing a web API that takes form data in its post method. And from that API, you need to call another API that...

The Tech Platform
Jul 5, 2021
How to Validate Domain Name in Go(Golang) and C/C++?
If you or any of your peers have ever been the target of a phishing attempt, you know that it can be dangerous to click on an unknown...
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