The Tech PlatformJun 14C, C++How to Prevent Memory Leaks in C++ Applications? Ever wonder why your program slows down over time or crashes unexpectedly? Memory leaks might be the culprit! C++ Memory leaks occur when...
The Tech PlatformSep 13, 2023C, C++What is a virtual function in C++?Virtual functions stand as a fundamental concept and a cornerstone of object-oriented design. They hold the key to unleashing the power...
The Tech PlatformSep 6, 2022JavaScriptWhich Programming Languages you should learn?Which programming Language should I learn? JavaScript and Python, two of the most popular languages in the startup industry, are in high...
The Tech PlatformMar 11, 2021C, C++Loop Statement in C++Loops are an essential part of programming as they allow us to repeat a block of code until a specific condition is met. In C...