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Array Destructuring in JavaScript
Destructuring is an ECMAScript 6 (ES6/ECMAScript 2015) feature. When it comes to arrays, destructuring is basically a way to unpack...
The Tech Platform
Jul 27, 2021

What is the JavaScript Map function?
JavaScript used to be limited in its collection capabilities. While other programming languages offered sets, associative maps, lists,...
The Tech Platform
Jul 16, 2021

5 Utility Types For Transforming Types in Typescript
One of the great things about typescript is its flexibility. You can transform, change, and create new types using existing types. In...
The Tech Platform
Jul 12, 2021

Strategy Pattern Implementation with Typescript and Angular
Design patterns are proven, practical, and reusable solutions fit for tackling specific problems in software development. They not only...
The Tech Platform
Jul 8, 2021
Online JSON Tools
With the rise of node.js and modern web development, JavaScript and JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) have become immensely popular,...
The Tech Platform
Feb 26, 2021
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