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JavaScript Interview Questions: Can x !== x Return True? or Can (!isNaN(x) && x !== x) return true?
In JavaScript interviews, it is not uncommon to come across intriguing and thought-provoking questions that test your understanding of...
The Tech Platform
Jun 1, 2023

Write a Python program to repeat specific Characters in String
To Repeat all the Characters string = "thetechplatform" n = 2 repeated_characters = ''.join([character*n for character in string])...
The Tech Platform
Jun 28, 2022

Write a Program to convert the temperature in C++
Algorithm: Temperature Conversion This algorithm inputs a temperature in Fahrenheit and converts into centigrade. Start Input Temperature...
The Tech Platform
Jun 27, 2022

Python program to Convert Hours to Seconds
Convert Hours to Seconds In this program, we need to multiply hours with 60 (1 hour = 60 minutes ) so that we get in minutes, and once we...
The Tech Platform
Jun 17, 2022

How to Use Decorators in JavaScript?
JavaScript Decorators are a powerful design pattern that enables the addition of behavior to an individual object, whether in a static or...
The Tech Platform
Jun 16, 2022

Detecting Idle Users in Your Angular App
Occasionally the applications we work on need to react in a particular way if the user is inactive for a certain amount of time. For...
The Tech Platform
Jun 16, 2022

Write a Program to Convert Number to Words in Python
Example 1, we are going to convert a number to its wording. For instance, if the number is 12, the wordings will be “one-two”. A similar...
The Tech Platform
Jun 14, 2022

What is "__Name__" in Python?
"__name__" is a built-in variable in python that stores the name of the current module/script being executed. If the current module is...
The Tech Platform
Jun 13, 2022

Why to Choose Golang Programming Language?
Go is a procedural programming language. It was developed in 2007 by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson at Google but launched...
The Tech Platform
Jun 13, 2022

When to Use Angular ControlValueAccessor and What’s the Difference Without It?
ControlValueAccessor provides the ability to use FormControl with any component that implements this interface. This gives a lot of...
The Tech Platform
Jun 1, 2022
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