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The Tech Platform
Nov 30, 2021
Program to Shuffle or Arrange Random Array in JavaScript
Below is the Flow chart which explains how array is shuffles or arranged in JavaScript. Code: function shuffle(arra1) { var ctr =...
The Tech Platform
Nov 30, 2021
Write a C++ Program to check whether Given Number is Negative or Positive
Code: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { cout << " ** Program to Check that given number is positive or negative**...
The Tech Platform
Nov 25, 2021
Introduction to WebSocket Protocol
The WebSocket protocol is a TCP-based network protocol. It defines how data is exchanged between networks. Because it is very reliable...
The Tech Platform
Nov 24, 2021
3 Interesting C# Features
The ?? & ??= Operator Use the “??” operator to set values conditionally from the left or right side. int? x = null; // create a...
The Tech Platform
Nov 24, 2021
7 Reasons to Choose Apache Pulsar over Apache Kafka
When you set out to build the best messaging infrastructure service, the first step is to pick the right underlying messaging technology....
The Tech Platform
Nov 23, 2021
Single Transaction per Request ASP.NET CORE with EntityFramework
When developing web applications, it is important to ensure that all database transactions are handled in a consistent and efficient...
The Tech Platform
Nov 22, 2021
How to print size of array parameter in C++?
Example: #include <iostream> using namespace std; void findSize(int arr[]) { cout << sizeof(arr) << endl; } int main() { int a[10];...
The Tech Platform
Nov 22, 2021
Arrays in C/C++
Arrays An array is a collection of similar data items stored at contiguous memory locations and elements can be accessed randomly using...
The Tech Platform
Nov 19, 2021
AWS Serverless Computing, Benefits, Architecture and Use-cases
Serverless is a term used to describe the services, practices, and methods that allow you to create more agile apps that allow you to...
The Tech Platform
Nov 13, 2021
5 Different Ways to Load Data in Python
As a beginner, you might only know a single way to load data (normally in CSV) which is to read it using pandas.read_csv function. It is...
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