The Tech PlatformFeb 24, 2022.NETUsing RabbitMQ with multiple consumers from one .NET executableRabbitMQ is a popular message broker that uses AMQP protocol. Helps creating and working with queues of data messages. Queues are needed...
The Tech PlatformJan 9, 2022.NETNotification Queue : RabbitMQ in .NET Corelets start the RabbitMQ server running in docker container. If you don’t have already, it will pull by default and command it: docker run...
The Tech PlatformDec 21, 2021.NETDistributed .NET application with Masstransit and RabbitMQSince it supports docker it should be able to run dotnet even though I can’t install dotnet directly on the NAS. Given the context I will...
The Tech PlatformNov 16, 2021What is AMQP and why is it used in RabbitMQ?Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) is created as an open standard protocol that allows messaging interoperability between systems,...
The Tech PlatformNov 16, 2021.NETRabbitMQ in .NET CoreRabbitMQ is a most popular and widely used open source message broker software. It supports multiple protocols AMQP, STOMP, MQTT, HTTP...