Angular library to generate forms dynamically by having the ability to customize, manipulate and scale it easy.
Formify model generate and manipulate a form
Simply can be generated by passing config FormifyState parameter.
public formify = new FormifyModel({
controls: [ // controls config
new FieldModel(config),
new GroupModel(config),
new ArrayModel(config),
submit: config, // submit button config,
options: config, // options config
Accessibility and manipulation by calling functions and instance variables.
this.formify.field('color').update({hidden: false });'contact')
this.formify.formGroup.get('color').valueChanges.subscribe(color => { // handle color change
this.formify.addControl(new FieldModel());
Control Models
Make it possible to configure and generate from controls as you need. Offers accessibility and manipulation.
Generate Control FieldModel instance
new FieldModel({
controlName: 'email',
label: 'Email address',
placeholder: 'email',
icon: 'email',
autoComplete: 'off',
validators: [
new ValidatorModel({
validator: Validators.required, errorCode: 'required',
description: 'identity is required'
new ValidatorModel({
validator: Validators.pattern(EmailRegex),
errorCode: 'pattern',
description: 'Email address is incorrect'
new ValidatorModel({
validator: null, errorCode: 'exist',
description: 'This email exist in database'
Control GroupModel and ArrayModel can be generated in same way just passing controlName and Controls
const ContactGroupModel = new GroupModel({
controlName: 'contact',
label: 'Contact',
controls: [
new PhoneFieldControl(overwrite?), // extends by FieldModel
new EmailFieldControl(overwrite?), // extends by FieldModel
new FieldModel(config)
new ArrayModel({
controlName: 'addresses', label: 'Address:',
controls: [
Control Components
Supporting ControlValueAccessor for using nested forms. Getting control model and generating nested formGroup. Offering functions for accessing datasource and validation errors.
Reusable Components
Input, Textarea, Select, Radio, Toggle and Checkbox that are extends from FieldControlComponent. So easy you can create another reusable component by extending one of Control Components
Creating Custom Components
export class CustomFieldComponent extends FieldControlComponent implements OnInit , OnChanges{
constructor(protected formBuilder: FormBuilder) {
super(formBuilder); }
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges):void {
ngOnInit(): void {super.ngOnInit(); }
export class CustomGroupComponent extends GroupControlComponent implements OnInit {
constructor() { super(); }
ngOnInit(): void {
Creating Custom Controls
export class ColorFieldControl extends FieldModel {
constructor(overwrite: FieldState = {}) {
const field: FieldModel = new FieldModel({
controlName: 'color',
label: 'Color',
defaultValue: 'primary',
options: [
{text: 'Primary', value: 'primary'},
{text: 'Accent', value: 'accent'},
{text: 'Warn', value: 'warn'}]
super(Object.assign(field , overwrite));
export class ContactGroupControl extends GroupModel {
constructor(overwrite: GroupState = {}) {
const group: GroupModel = new GroupModel({
controlName: 'contact',
label: 'Contact:',
controls: [ config controls ]
super(Object.assign(group , overwrite));
Displaying in Template
Support two way of to displaying the form in template. 1. Using Formify component and passing FormifyModel.
<formify [formify]="formify" (submit)="onSubmit()"></formify>
2. Custom displaying by including reusable/custom components and passing ControlModel manually.
<form [formGroup]="formify.formGroup" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit()">
<formify-input formControlName="firstName"
<formify-select formControlName="languages"
<formify-textarea formControlName="biography"
<formify-addresses [arrayModel]="formify.array('address')">
<formify-contact [groupModel]="'contact')">
<formify-submit [submit]="formify.submit"></formify-submit>
If you wanna look in details how it is build check it out or take a look to live examples
Source: Medium
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