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Azure AD authentication workflow

Writer's picture: The Tech PlatformThe Tech Platform

This article is a technical reference for the Configuration Manager client installation and registration process on a Windows 10 device that is joined to Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). It details the workflow process for the device authentication.

Note Windows 10 clients get a workplace join (WPJ) certificate when they join an Azure AD tenant. If the certificate isn't found, the Configuration Manager client can't request Azure AD tokens. Without a token, the client can't use the Configuration Manager security token service (CCM_STS) communication channel for Azure AD authentication with Configuration Manager site systems.

Client installation

In this workflow sample, you installed the Configuration Manager client on a Windows 10 device over the internet with the following ccmsetup command-line properties:


1. Azure AD info request from ccmsetup

Clients installed from internet need specific command-line properties to use Azure AD authentication. You can include these properties in the command line for internet ccmsetup, but they aren't required. When you don't use Azure AD properties, ccmsetup requests the AADCLIENTAPPID and AADRESOURCEURI properties from the cloud management gateway (CMG). It uses the device's Azure AD TenantID as a reference. If you haven't onboarded the client's TenantID in Configuration Manager, the CMG doesn't give the required properties to ccmsetup to continue client installation.

The following entries are logged in ccmsetup.log of the client:

Getting AAD info from CMG 'CMG.CLOUDAPP.NET'
SMS CCM 5.0: Host=CMG.CLOUDAPP.NET, Path=/CCM_Proxy_ServerAuth/AADAuthInfo?TenantID=9aaf466a-3f40-4468-b3cd-f0010f21f05a, Port=443, Protocol=https, CcmTokenAuth=0, Flags=0x1304, Options=0xe0
Created connection on port 443
Enabled SSL revocation check.

Important During ccmsetup, the device has to validate the CMG server authentication certificate. The root certificate authority (CA) certificate for the CMG server authentication certificate needs to be available on the client for the chain validation. If you use PKI, when the root CA isn't published on the internet, add the root CA certificate to the device's root CAs store. If the root CA certificate revocation list (CRL) isn't published on internet, add the /nocrlcheck parameter in the ccmsetup command line.

2. Azure AD token request

On a Windows 10 Azure AD domain-joined device, ccmsetup uses the Azure AD properties to request an Azure AD token calling the ADALOperation provider. The following entries are logged in ccmsetup.log on the client:

Getting AAD (device) token with: ClientId = 0b7c8ab3-9ea1-4ffa-b2b9-8ffdd944bd8b, ResourceUrl = https://ConfigMgrService, AccountId =

If the device token request fails, ccmsetup falls back to try requesting an Azure AD user token. If the device can't get either an Azure AD device or user token, ccmsetup doesn't continue.

Note If the device has a valid PKI client authentication certificate, ccmsetup always prefers the certificate. In this case, the client installs as a PKI client and doesn't use Azure AD authentication.

WAM token request failed. Status 5, Details 'AAD WAM extension error'
Failed to get AAD token..
Unknown error (Error: D0090016; Source: Unknown)
Failed to get AAD token for 'S-1-5-18' from WAM API. Error 0xd0090016
Falling back to get user 'S-1-5-21-1527250992-855612568-2252598708-1604' token for system...
Getting AAD (user) token with: ClientId = 0b7c8ab3-9ea1-4ffa-b2b9-8ffdd944bd8, ResourceUrl = https://ConfigMgrService, AccountId = 149FC29A-ECE3-123-A3C1-123456F035A6E
Retrieved AAD token for AAD user 'e8838041-db7a-42d5-b9ae-78813910e4cc'

3. Configuration Manager client token request

The client uses the Azure AD token to request the Configuration Manager client (CCM) token. Operational communication between ccmsetup and the site uses the CCM token as authorization token (CcmTokenAuth=1).

3.1 Client sends CCM token request to CMG

The following entries are logged in ccmsetup.log on the client:

Getting CCM Token from STS server ''
Getting CCM Token from

3.2 CMG forwards to CMG connection point

The following entries are logged in CMGService.log on the CMG VM instance.

RequestUri: /CCM_PROXY_SERVERAUTH/72057594037937981/CCM_STS  RequestCount: 1  RequestSize: 1974 Bytes  ResponseCount: 1  ResponseSize: 1566 Bytes  AverageElapsedTime: 218 ms~~  $$<CMGService><06-24-2020 15:31:46.376+00><thread=4992 (0x1380)>

Tip Configuration Manager synchronizes the CMGService.log to the site server logs folder every five minutes as CMG-<CMGname>-ProxyService_IN_<%>-CMGService.log.

3.3 CMG connection point transforms CMG client request to management point client request

The following entries are logged in SMS_CLOUD_PROXYCONNECTOR.log (verbose mode) of the site system that hosts the CMG connection point role:


SMS_CLOUD_PROXYCONNECTOR    Switched to internal URL. Replaced 'https://CMG.CLOUDAPP.NET/CCM_Proxy_MutualAuth/72186325152220500/CCM_STS' in   'https://CMG.CLOUDAPP.NET/CCM_Proxy_MutualAuth/72186325152220500/CCM_STS' with 'https://MP.MYCORP.COM/CCM_STS' and got 'https:///MP.MYCORP.COM/CCM_STS~~

3.4 Management point verifies user token in site database

The following entries are logged in CCM_STS.log of the site system that hosts the management point that handles the client request:

ProcessRequest - Start
Incoming request URL: https://MP.MYCORP.COM/CCM_STS
Validated AAD token. TokenType: UDA TenantId: 2ca9a796-a1a6-43ec-88f1-5935b32155c5 UserId: e8838041-db7a-42d5-b9ae-78813910e4cc DeviceId: 8d2b4ff9-0172-4998-9851-b5324303385f OnPrem_UserSid: S-1-5-21-1527250992-855612568-2252598708-1604 OnPrem_DeviceSid:  
TokenType is UDA
Created SCCM token, token type: UDA, hierarchyId: 8ed3174b-e814-41b5-b51c-fb368f0d4003, userId: 23bbbba2-702e-4db4-8fd9-3b4fe3a5175d, deviceId: GUID:13E80CEF-5698-4C63-9ED6-E58FBFF78C38
Issued token
Return token to client

4. Content location request

Once the client gets the CCM token, it caches and uses it to request site information and content location of Once the device downloads the client content, it starts the installation.

The following entries are logged in ccmsetup.log on the client:

Cached encrypted token for 'S-1-5-18'. Will expire at '06/25/2020 08:29:35'
ccmsetup:, Path=/CCM_Proxy_ServerAuth7981/ccm_system_tokenauth/request, Port=443, Protocol=https, CcmTokenAuth=1, Flags=0x4100, Options=0xe0
Created connection on port 443
Sending location request to '' with payload '< Request >
Appending CCM Token to the header.
Received message '<SiteInfoReply SchemaVersion="1.00">  < reply > </SiteInfoReply>'
Checking the URL '
ccmsetup:, Path=/CCM_Proxy_ServerAuth/72057594037937995/CCM_Client
Appending CCM Token to the header.
Found a valid online MP '
Searching for DP locations from MP(s)...
CCMSETUP bootstrap from Internet: 1
Sending message body '<ContentLocationRequest SchemaVersion="1.00"  BGRVersion="1"> ...
The location '
Installing version 5.00.8968.1000 of the client with product code {66653948-0717-4D50-B0B9-ED66FDED2DDB}
Running installation package
Package:     C:\WINDOWS\ccmsetup\{E6F27809-FF66-4BAA-B0FB-E4A154A6A388}\client.msi

Note If the client finds the content from a content-enabled CMG, ccmsetup downloads the content from the cloud storage. If the latest client version isn't available on the cloud, it downloads the content from the management point via a CMG request.

Client registration

1. Configuration Manager client request registration

Once ccmsetup successfully installs the Configuration Manager client, registration initializes. The following entries are logged in ClientIDManagerStartup.log of the client:

AADJoinStatusTask: Client hasn't been registered yet.
RegEndPoint: Event notification: CCM_RemoteClient_Reassigned
RegEndPoint: Received notification for site assignment change from '<none>' to 'MEM'.
[RegTask] - Starting registration, attempt 1.
[RegTask] - Client is not registered. Sending registration request for GUID:C66EE0FD-08E7-4B38-B282-7E6954B71139 ...
Registering client using AAD auth.

2. Configuration Manager requests Azure AD token to register client

The client requests a new Azure AD token to register using Azure AD authentication. It prefers a device token, but if it's not available, the client falls back to request an Azure AD user token. The following entries are logged in ADALOperationProvider.log of the client:

Getting AAD (user) token with: ClientId = 0b7c8ab3-9ea1-4ffa-b2b9-8ffdd944bd8, ResourceUrl = https://ConfigMgrService, AccountId = 9756a359-f76a-47d5-8662-9a837012fc35
Retrieved AAD token for AAD user 'e8838041-db7a-42d5-b9ae-78813910e4cc'

3. Registration request

The registration component on the management point handles the client registration process. The client sends a registration message to the MP_ClientRegistration endpoint.

3.1 CMG forwards the client registration request to the management point

The following entries are logged in the MP_RegistrationManager.log of the site system that hosts the management point that handles the client request:

Registering device using AAD auth: DeviceId='8d2b4ff9-0172-4998-9851-b5324303385f ', TenantId='c8c82542-203c-4df9-9d86-cdd4dae67e0a'
Processing Registration request from Client 'GUID:C66EE0FD-08E7-4B38-B282-7E6954B71139'

3.2 Configuration Manager client is registered

If registration succeeds, the client gets a confirmation message of registration with Approval 3 for Azure AD-based registration. The following entries are logged in ClientIDManagerStartup.log of the client:

[RegTask] - Client is registered. Server assigned ClientID is GUID:C66EE0FD-08E7-4B38-B282-7E6954B71139. Approval status 3

4. Configuration Manager client token request

Once the server confirms the client registration, the client processes the reply message. The client then requests and caches a new CCM token. The following entries are logged in ClientIDManagerStartup.log of the client:

Getting CCM Token from STS server 'MP.MYCORP.COM'
Getting CCM Token from https://MP.MYCORP.COM/CCM_STS
Cached encrypted token for 'S-1-5-18'. Will expire at '08/12/2020 18:55:40'

4.1 CMG gets and forwards CCM_Token request to CMG connection point

The following entries are logged in CMGService.log of the CMG VM and the site system that hosts the CMG connection point role:

RequestUri: /CCM_PROXY_SERVERAUTH/72057594037937981/CCM_STS  RequestCount: 769  RequestSize: 1081595 Bytes  ResponseCount: 769     ResponseSize: 36143 Bytes  AverageElapsedTime: 3945 ms

4.2 CMG connection point transforms CMG client request to management point client request

The following entries are logged in SMS_CLOUD_PROXYCONNECTOR.log of the site system that hosts the CMG connection point role:

MessageID: 3087bd34-b82c-4950-b972-e82bb0fb8385 RequestURI: https://MP.MYCORP.COM/CCM_STS EndpointName: CCM_STS ResponseHeader: HTTP/1.1 200 OK ~~ ResponseBodySize: 0 ElapsedTime: 2 ms

4.3 Management point verifies user token in site database

The following entries are logged in CCM_STS.log of the site system that hosts the management point that handles the client request:

ProcessRequest - Start
Incoming request URL: https://MP.MYCORP.COM/CCM_STS
Validated AAD token. TokenType: UDA TenantId: 2ca9a796-a1a6-43ec-88f1-5935b32155c5 UserId: e8838041-db7a-42d5-b9ae-78813910e4cc DeviceId: 8d2b4ff9-0172-4998-9851-b5324303385f OnPrem_UserSid: S-1-5-21-1527250992-855612568-2252598708-1604 OnPrem_DeviceSid:  
TokenType is UDA
Created SCCM token, token type: UDA, hierarchyId: 8ed3174b-e814-41b5-b51c-fb368f0d4003, userId: 23bbbba2-702e-4db4-8fd9-3b4fe3a5175d, deviceId: GUID:13E80CEF-5698-4C63-9ED6-E58FBFF78C38
Issued token
Return token to client

The server returns the CCM token to the client for the rest of client-to-site communication.

Note During client registration, certificate validation always runs. This process happens even if you're using the Azure AD authentication method to register the client. This behavior is a fallback option, in case Azure AD authentication doesn't succeed.

CCM token renewal

The CCM token has a lifetime of eight hours. When the client detects the CCM token is expired or close to expiration, it sends a new CCM token request. The CcmMessaging component handles this renewal process. The following entries are logged in CcmMessaging.log of the client:

Sending remote sync message '{BD03DEED-D09A-4E63-ADAD-596376FFB0DA}' to host 'CMG.CLOUDAPP.NET/CCM_Proxy_MutualAuth/72186325152220500' endpoint 'MP_PolicyManager'. Flags 0x280, sender account S-1-5-21-1721254763-462695806-1538882281-3289177
CCM Token for 'S-1-5-8-1721254763-462695806-1538882281-3289177' (12/23/2019 21:47:24) is already expired or close to expire
Getting CCM Token from https://CMG.CLOUDAPP.NET/CCM_Proxy_ServerAuth/72186325152220500/CCM_STS
Cached encrypted token for 'S-1-5-21-1721254763-462695806-1538882281-3289177'. Will expire at '01/10/2020 17:14:54'
ccmhttp: Host=CMG.CLOUDAPP.NET, Path=/CCM_Proxy_ServerAuth/72186325152220500/ccm_system_tokenauth/request, Port=443, Protocol=https, CcmTokenAuth=1, Flags=0x4200, Options=0x1e0
Target URL scheme is HTTPS: https://CMG.CLOUDAPP.NET/CCM_Proxy_ServerAuth/72186325152220500/ccm_system_tokenauth/request
Appending CCM Token to the header.
Message '{BD03DEED-D09A-4E63-ADAD-596376FFB0DA}' got reply message '{36EE3A78-8F6E-425F-BF5C-8460E8E56C33}' to endpoint 'dummy'

Common issues

  • Root CA not present: Clients need the root CA certificate to validate the CMG server authentication certificate.

  • CRL check is enabled: Publish the CRL on the internet. As an alternative, use the /NoCRLCheck parameter for ccmsetup. You can also disable the following option: Clients check the certificate revocation list (CRL) for site systems. Find this setting on the Communication Security tab of the site properties.

  • The WPJ certificate isn't found: Make sure the device is Azure AD-joined. Use dsregcmd.exe. For example, dsregcmd /status and look at the Device State section.

Tip Client communication via CMG, CMG connection point, and management point runs over HTTPS. If you configure the site for enhanced HTTP, you can still configure the management point for HTTP.

  • Client verifies the CMG server authentication certificate:

    • PKI certificate: Client requires the root CA of the CMG certificate in its local store.

    • Third-party certificate: Clients automatically validate a certificate with its root CA published on the internet.

  • CMG, CMG connection point, and management point validate Azure AD and CCM tokens.

  • Communication between CMG connection point and management point is also secured in both ends:

    • CMG connection point uses client auth certificate.

    • MP uses a PKI certificate for HTTPS configuration, or a self-signed certificate for enhanced HTTP.

Source: Microsoft

The Tech Platform


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