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ER Diagram Example - Hospital Management System

Writer's picture: The Tech PlatformThe Tech Platform

The ER diagram provides a visual representation of the entities and relationships in the hospital management system, which can help stakeholders understand the structure of the system and identify any potential issues or gaps in the design.

Entities and their attributes

1. Hospitals: Attributes are hospital_ID, hospital_name, hospital_address

2. Patient: Attributes are patient_id, patient_name, patient_mobile_number, patient_email, patient_address, patient_blood_type, patient_disease

3. Doctors: Attributes are doctor_id, doctor_name, doctor_specialist, doctor_mobile_number, doctor_address

4. Nurse: Attributes are nurse_ID, nurse_name, nurse_duty_hour

5. Appointment: Attributes are appointment_ID, appointment_doctor_ID, appointment_date

6. Medicines: Sttributes are Medicine_ID, Medicine_Name, Medicine_Company, Medicine_type, Medicine_cost, Medicine_description.

In this diagram, there are six main entities:

  1. Hospitals: This entity represents the hospital or hospitals in the system. Each hospital has a unique Hospital ID and can have many Doctors, Nurses, Patients, and Appointments.

  2. Patients: This entity represents the patients in the hospital system. Each patient has a unique PatientID and can have many Appointments, Prescriptions, and be assigned to many Wards.

  3. Doctors: This entity represents the doctors in the hospital system. Each doctor has a unique DoctorID and can work in many hospitals and have many Appointments.

  4. Nurses: This entity represents the nurses in the hospital system. Each nurse has a unique NurseID and can work in many hospitals and many wards.

  5. Appointments: This entity represents the appointments between patients and doctors. Each appointment has a unique AppointmentID and is associated with a single patient and a single doctor. Each appointment can result in one or more prescriptions.

  6. Medicine: This entity represents the medicine prescribed by doctors for patients. Each medicine has a unique Medicine ID and can be prescribed by many doctors for many patients. Each prescription is associated with a single appointment.

The relationships between the entities are represented by the lines connecting the entities in the diagram:

  • A Hospital can have many Patients, Doctors, Nurses, and Appointments.

  • A Patient can have many Appointments and Prescriptions and can be assigned to many Wards.

  • A Doctor can have many Appointments and can work in many Hospitals.

  • A Nurse can work in many Hospitals and many Wards.

  • An Appointment is made by a Patient and involves a Doctor, resulting in one or more Prescriptions.

  • A Prescription is associated with a single Appointment and can involve one or more Medicines.

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