Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) provides a powerful platform for producing and managing containers, and one of the key components in achieving scalability and fault tolerance is the use of replica sets. Replica sets allow you to define and maintain a desired number of identical pods, automatically managing their lifecycle and ensuring your application can handle varying workloads. In this article, we will explore the Replica Set in Azure Kubernetes Services and walk through the practical steps to effectively use them.
What is Replica Set?
Replica set ensures the availability and reliability of applications by managing the lifecycle of pods. While pods are the basic units that encapsulate containers and run application processes, replica sets act as a higher-level abstraction that maintains a specified number of pods at all times.

The primary function of a replica set is to define and execute the desired number of pod replicas that should be running concurrently. This number can be as low as one, indicating that a single pod should always be available. By specifying this desired state, replica sets provide a safety net to ensure that even if a pod crashes or becomes unresponsive, it is automatically recreated by the replica set controller to restore the desired number of running pods.

This ability to self-heal and maintain the desired state is what sets replica sets apart from standalone pods. Without a replica set, if a pod were to fail, there would be no mechanism in place to automatically recover it. In contrast, a replica set continuously monitors the running pods and takes proactive actions to maintain the desired number, effectively providing a level of high availability.
Replica Sets can also be useful for ASP.NET applications because they provide the following benefits:
You can scale your ASP.NET applications horizontally by increasing or decreasing the number of pods in a replica set.
This will improve the performance and reliability of your ASP.NET applications by distributing the pods across different nodes in your cluster.
It can also handle failures and disruptions gracefully by having replica sets automatically create new pods or delete old pods as needed.
It can be managed by deployments, which provide declarative updates to your ASP.NET applications along with other useful features.
How to use Replica Set in Azure Kubernetes Services
Replica Sets ensure high availability and fault tolerance in Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS). By creating multiple copies, or replicas, of your application's pods, you can distribute the workload and handle traffic efficiently. Here we will explore how to effectively use Replica Sets in AKS. We will walk you through the process of creating Replica Sets, scaling them based on demand, and even deleting them when they are no longer needed.
1. Creating a Replica Set
Create a YAML file that defines a replica set configuration. The file should have the following fields:
apiVersion: the API version of the replica set, usually apps/v1
kind: the kind of resource, which is ReplicaSet
metadata: the metadata of the replica set, such as name and labels
spec: the specification of the replica set, which includes:
replicas: the number of pods to maintain
selector: the criteria to select pods that belong to the replica set
template: the template for creating new pods, which includes:
metadata: the metadata of the pod, such as labels
spec: the specification of the pod, which includes:
containers: the list of containers to run in the pod, each with a name and an image.
Here is an example of a replica set configuration file for an ASP.NET application pod:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: ReplicaSet
name: aspnet-app
app: aspnet-app
spec:replicas: 3
app: aspnet-app
app: aspnet-app
- name: aspnet-app
This file creates a replica set named aspnet-app with three replicas of an ASP.NET application pod. The selector matches pods with the label app: aspnet-app, and the template defines the pod specification.
Apply the YAML file to create the replica set in AKS. You can use the kubectl apply command with the YAML file as an argument:
kubectl apply -f aspnet_replicaset.yaml
the code will create the replica set and its pods in AKS.
Verify the status of the replica set and its pods. You can use the kubectl get command with either rs or pods as an argument:
kubectl get rs aspnet-app
Above code will show you the status of the replica set, such as the number of desired, current, and ready pods.
kubectl get pods -l app=aspnet-app
Above code will show you the status of the pods that belong to the replica set, such as their names, node names, and readiness.
2. Scaling a Replica Set
Replica sets are used to ensure the desired number of identical pods are running at all times, providing scalability and fault tolerance to applications. By effectively managing the number of pods, you can easily scale your application to meet varying workload demands.
Scaling replica sets involves altering the number of pods they manage, allowing you to increase or decrease the capacity of your application in response to changing needs. Whether you need to handle higher traffic, distribute the load evenly, or conserve resources during quieter periods, scaling replica sets provides the flexibility and agility required to optimize your application's performance.
There are two ways to change the number of pods:
Way 1: Edit the YAML file that defines the replica set configuration and change the replicas field to the desired number. For example, to scale the aspnet-app replica set to five pods, change the replicas field from 3 to 5:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: ReplicaSet
name: aspnet-app
app: aspnet-app
replicas: 5 # changed from 3
app: aspnet-app
app: aspnet-app
- name: aspnet-app
Way 2: Use the kubectl scale command with the replica set name and the desired number of replicas as arguments. For example, to scale the aspnet-app replica set to five pods, run the following command:
kubectl scale --replicas=5 rs aspnet-app
Apply the YAML file or the command to scale the replica set in AKS. If you edited the YAML file, you can use the kubectl apply command with the YAML file as an argument:
kubectl apply -f aspnet_replicaset.yaml
The code will update the replica set and its pods in AKS.
If you used the kubectl scale command, you don’t need to apply anything, as the command will directly change the number of pods in AKS.
Verify the new number of pods in the replica set. You can use the kubectl get command with either rs or pods as an argument:
kubectl get rs aspnet-app
This code will show you the new status of the replica set, such as the number of desired, current, and ready pods.
kubectl get pods -l app=aspnet-app
Above code will show you the new status of the pods that belong to the replica set, such as their names, node names, and readiness.
3. Deleting a Replica Set
Delete a replica set and its pods in AKS. You can use the kubectl delete command with either the replica set name or the YAML file as an argument.
For example, to delete the aspnet-app replica set and its pods, you can run either of these commands:
kubectl delete rs aspnet-app
kubectl delete -f aspnet_replicaset.yaml
The code will delete the replica set and its associated pods in AKS.
Verify that the replica set and its pods are deleted. You can use the kubectl get command with either rs or pods as an argument:
kubectl get rs aspnet-app
Above code will show you that the replica set is not found.
kubectl get pods -l app=aspnet-app
Above code will show you that no pods with the label app: aspnet-app are found.
In this article, you have learned about Replica Sets, how to create Replica sets, how to scale up your replica sets to improve the performance of your ASP.NET applications or other applications, and also learned how to delete the replica sets if they are no longer required.