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JavaScript Animation Libraries

Writer: The Tech PlatformThe Tech Platform

Updated: Dec 20, 2022

An animation library is a collection of pure CSS animations. You can override the animation class name for an object to make it animate. In this article, we will look at the Top 10 JavaScript Animation Libraries.

Animations help improve the overall feel and touch of a website. When implemented right, they provide a nice user-friendly experience. On the other hand, you can easily grab the attention of your visitors through animations.

There are many JavaScript Animation Libraries to build impressive animation on the web. Below is the list of the top 10 JavaScript Animation Libraries:

  1. Kute.js

  2. Typed.js

  3. MoveTo

  4. Animes.js

  5. Velocity.js

  6. SVG.js

  7. GSAP

  8. Vivus.js

  9. Tween.js

  10. Three.js

1. Kute.js

It is the best native JavaScript animation engine. By default, it has CSS plugins, SVG plugins, ATTR plugins, Text plugins, easing functions, color convertors, and utility functions.


  1. High code quality

  2. CSS3, 2D and 3D transforms

  3. Overall great performance

  4. ultrafast code execution

2. Typed.js

Typed.js is a library that types. Enter any string, and watch it type at the speed you’ve set, backspace what it’s typed, and begin a new sentence for however many strings you’ve set.


  1. The speed you set an entered string is the same speed it will type.

  2. You can backspace whatever it has types and start new sentences for every string you might have set

3. MoveTo

It is a scroll animation JavaScript library without any dependency.


  1. It is lightweight

  2. No dependencies

4. Animes.js

It is a lightweight JavaScript animation library that has a simple API and supports all CSS properties, JavaScript Objects, SVG, and DOM attributes.


  1. Complex and overlapping animations look simple because of the in-built staggering system found in Anime.

  2. Complete built-in callbacks and controls functions make it possible to play, pause, control, reverse and trigger events in sync

5. Velocity.js

Velocity.js combines JQuery and CSS transitions. You can use it to scroll browser windows. It can work both with JQuery loaded in your browser and independent of it and even undo previous animations.


  1. Color animation

  2. Contains transforms, loops and easings

  3. Strong compatibility

6. SVG.js

SVG. js is an open-source JavaScript library for manipulating and animating SVG. It allows you to animate SVGs on 3 different aspects: size, position and color. SVG. js is simple and light-weighted compared to many other animation libraries and comes with some exciting features.


  1. Strong readability

  2. High-speed JavaScript animation library

  3. Lightweight

  4. No dependencies

7. GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform)

It is a high-performance JavaScript animation library that supports all major browsers you can think of.


  1. Offers advanced sequencing

  2. High-speed (faster than JQuery)

  3. No dependencies and highly flexible

8. Vivus.js

It is a lightweight JavaScript class that offers SVG animation and gives a drawn appearance. Vivus is a tool designed to create simple animations with a drawing effect. It will take your SVG and animate the strokes as if a computer or an artist was drawing it.


  1. Contains several different animations

  2. Performance and how it works depends on nothing

9. Tween.js

This was created by Gskinner for tweening and animation HTML5 and everything concerning JavaScript properties. It was developed to integrate well with the EaselJS library, but is not dependent on or specific to it. It supports tweening of both numeric object properties & CSS style properties.


  1. Simple animation library

  2. No dependencies

  3. Fitted well with Easel.js and can make use of it alone.

10. Three.js

It is a JavaScript-based WebGL engine that can run GPU-powered games and other graphics-powered apps straight from the browser. The three. js library provides many features and APIs for drawing 3D scenes in your browser.


  1. Effects: Anaglyph, cross-eyed, and parallax barrier.

  2. Scenes: add and remove objects at run-time; fog

  3. Cameras: perspective and orthographic; controllers: trackball, FPS, path, and more

The Tech Platform


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