Convert Hours to Seconds
In this program, we need to multiply hours with 60 (1 hour = 60 minutes ) so that we get in minutes, and once we get minutes we need to multiply with 60 ( 1 minute = 60 seconds) so that we get in seconds
hours = int(input("Please enter hours:"))
seconds = hours * 60 * 60
print(seconds, " Seconds")
Convert Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds
days = int(input("Please enter days :- ")) * 3600 * 24
hours = int(input("Please enter hours :- ")) * 3600
minutes = int(input("Please enter minutes :- ")) * 60
seconds = int(input("Please enter seconds :- "))
time = days + hours + minutes + seconds
print("The Total seconds :- ", time)
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