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Simplest Way to reload data using RxJS

Writer: The Tech PlatformThe Tech Platform

Most of the time, we have to load data from the server. To perform the action client usually sends requests along with predefined data. Such data usually takes from the route, browser storage, or from attributes in the case when it’s a component. To load the user details we need to have userId, to load card details we need to have cardId, and so on. But what if you already load the data and you just need to reload without passing the same predefined data again and again. Sounds like a trivial task, right?

It depends.

  • If we want to stay reactive and write declarative code.

  • If we don’t want to create new variables which responsibility will be to keep predefined data only for data reloading.

  • If we want to deal with reusable code.

  • If we want to avoid boilerplate as much as possible.

  • If the code should stay simple.

The final version can be found on GitHub. Remove everything from the src/index.ts and you’re ready to go, or just create a new TypeScript project from the scratch.

# Initial code without any data reload implementation

import {Observable,of,ReplaySubject} from 'rxjs';
import {switchMap} from 'rxjs/operators';

function Identity<T>(value: T): T{
    return value;

interface User{
    id: number;
    name: string;

class UserMockWebService{
    readonly users: User[]=[
        {id: 1, name: 'John'},
        {id: 2, name: 'Liza'},
        {id: 3, name: 'Suzy'}
    getUserById(id: number): Observable<User>{
        const user=this.users.find((user: User)=>{
        return of(user) as Observable<User>;

Identity — is going to be responsible for returning the value that it got. User — model which we would manipulate with. UserMockWebService — mock service that we would use as a web service.

class UserService
    private idRplSubj = new ReplaySubject<number>(1);
    userObs$: Observable<User>=this.idRplSubj
            switchMap((userId: number)=>{
                return this.userWebService.getUserById(userId);}));
        constructor(private userWebService: UserMockWebService){}
        setId(id: number): void{

// Demo
const userWebService = new UserMockWebService();
const userService = new UserService(userWebService);



UserService — is responsible for providing data which in turn gathered from the server whenever userId changes.

At the end of the code, you can see the demo section, which will output into the following:

{id: 2,name: "Liza"}
{id: 3,name: "Suzi"}

# Initial data reload — the draft

Now we’re ready to implement data reload functionality. Let’s meet the scan operator.

class UserService {  
    private reloadSubj = new Subject<void>();  
    private idRplSubj = new ReplaySubject<number>(1);  
    userObs$: Observable<User> =     
            scan((oldValue, currentValue) => {        
                if(!oldValue && !currentValue)           
                    throw new Error(`Reload can't run before initial load`);        
                return currentValue || oldValue;      
            switchMap((userId: number) => {        
                return this.userWebService.getUserById(userId);      
        constructor(private userWebService: UserMockWebService) {}    
        setId(id: number): void {      
        reload(): void {      

Let’s take a look at it in action:

const userWebService = new UserMockWebService();
const userService = new UserService(userWebService);



{id: 2,name: "Liza"}
{id: 3,name: "Suzi"}
{id: 3,name: "Suzi"}
{id: 1,name: "John"}

Everything works! However, here we implemented it for loading users, but we need to load not only the users but the card details as well. In this case, we would need to include the same `scan` code boilerplate again and again and that is not what we would want to do. Let’s try to make the code more generic.

# Adding custom `reload` operator

We need to extract the scan operator to avoid code duplication:

function reload(selector: Function = Identity)
    return scan((oldValue, currentValue)=>
        if(!oldValue && !currentValue)
            throw new Error(`Reload can't run before initial load`);
        return selector(currentValue||oldValue);

Now, instead of the scan we can use one line reload operator and it will take only one line:

class UserService {  
    private reloadSubj = new Subject<void>();  
    private idRplSubj = new ReplaySubject<number>(1);  
    userObs$: Observable<User> =     
            switchMap((userId: number) => {        
                return this.userWebService.getUserById(userId);      
        constructor(private userWebService: UserMockWebService) {}    
        setId(id: number): void {      
        reload(): void {      

It’s definitely looking better! However, there is still a code boilerplate that we need to remember. We need to have merge() with this.reload$ and reload() operator in the pipe whenever we need to reload the data. The good news is that there is a solution.

# Adding the `combineReload` factory function

In order to avoid boilerplate code from the previous example, we are going to use the factory function called combineReload() . This function will encapsulate everything for us. Here is how it looks:

function combineReload<T>(  
    value$: Observable<T>,  
    reload$: Observable<void>,  
    selector: Function = Identity
): Observable<T> {
    return merge(value$,reload$).pipe(
        map((value: any)=>value as T)

Now we can remove the reload() operator and just use our combineReload() factory function.

class UserService
    private reloadSubj = new Subject<void>();
    private idRplSubj = new ReplaySubject<number>(1);
    userObs$: Observable<User>=
            switchMap((userId: number)=>{
                return this.userWebService.getUserById(userId);
    constructor(private userWebService: UserMockWebService){}
    setId(id: number): void {;
    reload(): void {;

Now it looks clean and neat. Moreover, it’s reusable and simple to use!

The Tech Platform


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