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SQL LIKE Operator with Logical Operators, Functions, and WHERE Clause

Writer: The Tech PlatformThe Tech Platform

Structured Query Language (SQL) is a versatile tool for managing and querying data within relational databases. Among its many operators and functions, the SQL LIKE operator stands out as a powerful tool for pattern matching and text search operations. It enables you to sift through your data and identify records that match specific textual patterns or contain certain characters.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the SQL LIKE operator, exploring not only its fundamental usage but also how it can be harnessed in conjunction with logical operators, functions, and the WHERE clause.

This multifaceted approach will equip you with the skills needed to perform advanced text pattern matching, whether you're searching for keywords, filtering data based on textual criteria, or conducting case-insensitive searches.

SQL LIKE Operator with Logical Operators, Functions, and WHERE Clause.

The SQL LIKE operator's adaptability makes it a crucial asset in various data management and analysis scenarios. We'll break down its utility step by step, covering how to utilize the LIKE operator with logical operators (AND, OR, and NOT), with functions like LOWER() and UPPER() for case-insensitive searches, and within the WHERE clause for precise data retrieval.

Let's Begin!

1. Using the SQL LIKE operator with the WHERE clause

The SQL LIKE operator is used within the WHERE clause to perform pattern matching on text data in a database. It is commonly employed to search for and retrieve records that match specific textual patterns or contain certain characters within a given column. The SQL LIKE operator is particularly important because it allows you to filter and extract relevant data based on text patterns, and it finds applications in a variety of scenarios.

Real-World Applications:

  • Search and Filtering: Use it to search for specific keywords or phrases within textual data.

  • Data Validation: Employ it to validate input data for patterns, such as email addresses or phone numbers.

  • Data Cleansing: Useful for identifying and cleaning data that may contain errors or inconsistencies.

  • Text Data Analysis: Helps in extracting valuable information from unstructured text data.

Assume that you have a database table named 'Customers' with columns such as Customer_ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Department, and City, here's how you can utilize the SQL Like Operator with the WHERE Clause.

First, let's create a table to perform some query:

-- Create a sample "Customers" table
CREATE TABLE Customers (
    Customer_ID INT PRIMARY KEY,
    First_Name VARCHAR(50),
    Last_Name VARCHAR(50),
    Department VARCHAR(50),
    City VARCHAR(50)

-- Insert sample data
INSERT INTO Customers (Customer_ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Department, City)
    (1, 'John', 'Smith', 'HR', 'New York'),
    (2, 'Alice', 'Johnson', 'Marketing', 'Los Angeles'),
    (3, 'Robert', 'Miller', 'IT', 'Chicago'),
    (4, 'Eleanor', 'White', 'Finance', 'New York'),
    (5, 'David', 'Brown', 'Sales', 'San Francisco');
SQL Like Operator - WHERE Clause

Now, let's perform some queries using SQL Like operator with WHERE Clause:

Example 1: Searching for a Specific Pattern

Suppose you want to find all the customers whose last name starts with 'Sm':

FROM customers 
WHERE last_name LIKE 'Sm%';
SQL Like Operator -  perform specific pattern

Example 2: Searching for any occurrence of Pattern

If you want to find all customers whose first name contains the letter 'a', you can use:

FROM customers 
WHERE first_name LIKE '%a%';
SQL Like Operator - searching for any occurrence of pattern

Example 3: Combining Multiple SQL Like Operators

You can use multiple LIKE conditions in a single query to find customers who have either 'a' or 'e' in their first name:

FROM customers 
WHERE first_name LIKE '%a%' 
    OR first_name LIKE '%e%';
SQL Like Operator -  combining operators

Example 4: Query meeting two criteria

Let's perform a complex query to find employees whose last name starts with 'S' and work in either the 'HR' or 'Marketing' department:

SELECT * FROM Customers
WHERE (last_name LIKE 'S%')
    AND (department = 'HR' OR department = 'Marketing');
SQL Like Operator - Complex query

2. Using the SQL LIKE operator with other logical operators

Using the SQL LIKE operator in conjunction with other logical operators (AND, OR, and NOT) provides a way to create complex and precise text pattern-matching conditions when querying a database. These combinations enable you to fine-tune your queries, filter records, and retrieve the data that matches your specific criteria.

First, we will create a table named "books" to perform the SQL Like Operator with Logical Operators.

-- Create a sample "Books" table
    book_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
    title VARCHAR(255),
    author VARCHAR(255),
    genre VARCHAR(50),
    publication_year INT

-- Insert sample data into the "Books" table
INSERT INTO Books (book_id, title, author, genre, publication_year)
    (1, 'SQL Fundamentals', 'John Smith', 'Programming', 2020),
    (2, 'Database Management', 'Alice Johnson', 'Programming', 2018),
    (3, 'Fictional Adventure', 'Robert Miller', 'Fiction', 2019),
    (4, 'The Art of SQL', 'Eleanor White', 'Programming', 2021),
    (5, 'Mystery Database', 'David Brown', 'Mystery', 2022);
SQL Like Operator -  Logical Operator

1. Using the SQL LIKE Operator with Logical Operator - AND

AND - Filtering Records That Meet Multiple Text Pattern Criteria Simultaneously

The AND logical operator allows you to combine two or more conditions in your SQL query. When used in conjunction with the SQL LIKE operator, it is useful for finding records that meet multiple text pattern criteria simultaneously.

For example, suppose you have a database of books, and you want to find books with titles that contain both "SQL" and "database." You can use the SQL LIKE operator with the AND operator as follows:

WHERE title LIKE '%SQL%' AND title LIKE '%database%';
SQL Like Operator -  AND Logical Operator

This query retrieves records where the title column contains word "SQL" and the author column contains the word "database." It uses the % wildcard to match any characters before and after the keywords.

2. Using the SQL LIKE Operator with Logical Operator - OR

OR - Retrieving Records That Match Any of Several Text Patterns

The OR logical operator is used to combine conditions and retrieve records that match any of the specified text patterns.

For example, let's say you want to find books with titles containing either "SQL" or "database." You can use the SQL LIKE operator with the OR operator as follows:

WHERE title LIKE '%SQL%' OR title LIKE '%database%';
SQL Like Operator -  Logical OR Operator

This query retrieves records where the title column contains either "SQL" or "database." The OR operator allows for a broader search, and you can use it to find records matching any of the specified patterns.

3. Using the SQL LIKE Operator with Logical Operator - NOT

NOT - Excluding Records That Meet a Specific Text Pattern

The NOT logical operator is used to exclude records that meet a particular text pattern. When combined with the SQL LIKE operator, it is helpful for excluding records that match specific criteria.

For instance, you may want to find books with titles that do not contain the word "fiction." You can use the SQL LIKE operator with the NOT operator as follows:

WHERE title NOT LIKE '%fiction%';
SQL Like Operator -  Logical NOT Operator

This query retrieves records where the title column does not contain the word "fiction." The NOT operator negates the condition specified with the SQL LIKE operator, effectively excluding records that meet that specific text pattern.

3. Using the SQL LIKE operator with functions

Using the SQL LIKE operator with string functions like LOWER() and UPPER() allows you to perform case-insensitive searches on text data. This is particularly useful when you want to search for text patterns in a way that disregards the lettercase (uppercase or lowercase) of the data.

Create a table named 'Employees':

-- Sample Employees table
CREATE TABLE Employees (
    Employee_ID INT PRIMARY KEY,
    First_Name VARCHAR(50),
    Last_Name VARCHAR(50)

-- Insert sample data
INSERT INTO Employees (Employee_ID, First_Name, Last_Name)
    (1, 'John', 'Smith'),
    (2, 'Alice', 'Johnson'),
    (3, 'Robert', 'Miller'),
    (4, 'Eleanor', 'White'),
    (5, 'David', 'Brown');
SQL Like Operator -  Function

Using LOWER() with the LIKE Operator

The LOWER() function converts text data to lowercase, enabling case-insensitive matching with the LIKE operator.

Let's consider an example where we have a table of employees and we want to find employees with names containing 'john' regardless of their letter case:

-- Using LOWER() and LIKE for case-insensitive search
SELECT * FROM Employees
WHERE LOWER(first_name) LIKE 'john%';
SQL Like Operator - LOWER() Function

Using UPPER() with the LIKE Operator

Conversely, the UPPER() function converts text data to uppercase, making it useful for performing case-insensitive matching in uppercase.

Here's an example using the same "Employees" table to find employees with last names containing 'JOHNSON' regardless of their letter case:

-- Using UPPER() and LIKE for case-insensitive search
SELECT * FROM Employees
SQL Like Operator - UPPER() Function


It's clear that the LIKE operator, when harnessed effectively, allows for complex text pattern matching, precise data filtering, and case-insensitive searches. By mastering the SQL LIKE operator, you gain the ability to dig deeper into your data, extract meaningful insights, and enhance your database management and analysis capabilities. It's a powerful tool that opens up new possibilities and simplifies complex text searching, making it an essential asset for anyone working with SQL.


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