The hat operator (^) and range operator (..) provide a different syntax for accessing elements in an array: Span, or ReadOnlySpan. The range operator is used to specify the start and end of a range for a sequence.
Let’s look at some examples. Consider the following code where you have an array of strings and you want to get the first four elements:
static void Main(string[] args)
var people = new string[] { "Jane", "Jean", "Grey", "Marcus", "Theophilus", "Keje" };
var firstFour = GetFirstFourPersons(people);
foreach (var person in firstFour)
static string[] GetFirstFourPersons(string[] people)
var result = new string[4];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
result[i] = people[i];
return result;
// result:
// Jane
// Jean
// Grey
// Marcus
We can rewrite it using the range operator, passing the range operand inside [ and ].
static void Main(string[] args)
var people = new string[] { "Jane", "Jean", "Grey", "Marcus", "Theophilus", "Keje" };
var firstFour = people[0..4];
foreach (var person in firstFour)
This gives the same result as the previous example. Before and after the .. operator are the start index and end index from which to get a sequence of data. It doesn't include the element in the end index as part of the result.
The range can also be open-ended. That means you can omit the start index, end index or both.
var all = people[..]; // contains all the elements from the origin array
var firstFour = people[..4]; // contains "Jane", "Jean", "Grey", and "Marcus"
var lastTwo = people[4..]; // contains "Theophilus" and "Keje"
The all variable is open-ended on both ends and therefore returns all the elements. It can also be written as var all = people[0..people.Length]. If you omit the start index, it'll use 0 as the start index, and if it's the end index, it'll use the value sequence.Length to resolve the value.
You can also declare range variables:
Range firstFourRange = ..4
var firstFour = people[firstFourRange]; // contains "Jane", "Jean", "Grey", and "Marcus"
With C# 8, you can specify that an index is relative to the end of the array. You do this using the ^ operator. Given the array people, we can get the last element in the sequence using people[^1]. The ^0 is the same as people.Length. So if you use people[^0] to get the last element of the sequence, you'll get an exception because it's outside the allowed range. We can use this with the range operator:
Range lastTwoElement = ^2..
var lastTwo = people[lastTwoElement] // contains "Theophilus" and "Keje"
This will give us the last two names. Omitting the end index translates to using ^0 (i.e. people.Length) as the end index. We can also assign the index to a variable:
Index lastIndex = ^1;
string value = people[lastIndex];
This language support is based on two new types, System.Index and System.Range. The Index type represents an index into a sequence, and the Range type specifies a sub-range of a sequence.
Source: Medium by MBARK T3STO
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