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Unit Test for CountDatesMatchingToday Function in C#

Updated: Apr 20

Unit test enables us to verify the correctness of individual units of code, often functions or methods. This article explores the unit test for CountDatesMatchingToday Function written in C#. The CountDatesMatchingToday function, as its name suggests, likely deals with dates and performs a specific counting task. It presumably takes a list of DateTime objects as input and focuses on the day of the week within each date. By comparing these days of the week with the current day, it counts how many dates in the list fall on the same day of the week as today.

Unit Test for CountDatesMatchingToday Function in c#

Unit Test in C#

Unit test in C# creates isolated programs specifically designed to verify the correctness of individual units of code, typically functions or methods. These tests operate in isolation, ensuring a specific unit functions as intended without relying on external dependencies or interactions with other parts of the program. By catching errors early during development, unit testing plays a crucial role in maintaining code quality and preventing regressions.

C# uses testing frameworks like NUnit and xUnit to streamline the unit testing process. These frameworks offer a rich set of features including:

  • Test Discovery: Automatically identifying and locating unit test methods within your project structure.

  • Test Execution: Executing the discovered unit tests and providing detailed reports on their success or failure.

  • Assertion Libraries: Providing a collection of methods to verify expected outcomes within your tests. Common assertions include checking for equality (Assert.Equal), verifying truth values (Assert.True), and testing for exceptions (Assert.ThrowsException).

What is the CountDatesMatchingToday Function?

The CountDatesMatchingToday function is likely designed to work with dates and perform a specific counting task.

int CountDatesMatchingToday(List<DateTime> dates);

  • int: This specifies that the function will return an integer value. In this case, the integer will represent the count of matching dates found in the input list.

  • CountDatesMatchingToday: Counting dates that match today's day of the week.

  • List<DateTime> dates: This defines the input parameter for the function. This part specifies that the function expects a list (List) of DateTime objects as input.

  • List: This is a generic collection type in C# that can hold a variable number of elements of the same data type.

  • DateTime: This is a built-in data type in C# that represents a date and time.

The CountDatesMatchingToday function, based on its name and input parameter, likely performs the following task:

  • It takes a list of DateTime objects (List<DateTime>) as input.

  • It focuses on the day of the week within each DateTime object, disregarding the year, month, and exact date.

  • It compares the day of the week for each date in the list with the current day of the week (obtained using DateTime.Now or a similar method).

  • It counts the number of dates in the list that fall on the same day of the week as today.


The function expects a List<DateTime>. This means it takes a list of date and time objects as input.


  • Focuses on Day of Week: The function disregards the exact date (year, month, day) and focuses solely on the day of the week.

  • Compares with Today: It compares the days of the week within the input list with the current day of the week. You can imagine it internally asking, "Does this date fall on a Monday (or Tuesday, Wednesday, etc.) like today?"

  • Counts Matches: It then counts the number of dates in the list that share the same day of the week as the current date.


The function returns an integer representing the count of matching dates. For instance, if the list contains three Mondays (including today) and two Wednesdays, the function would return 3.

In simpler terms:

Imagine you have a list of appointments scheduled throughout the month. This function can help you quickly determine how many appointments you have scheduled for the same day of the week as today (e.g., all your Wednesdays this week).

Unit test for CountDatesMatchingToday Function

1. Empty List:

Imagine you have a function named CountDatesMatchingToday that counts how many dates in a list fall on the same day of the week as today. A critical step in ensuring this function's reliability is testing it with diverse input scenarios, including an empty list.


In this test case, we're specifically interested in the behavior of CountDatesMatchingToday when you pass it an empty list of dates. An empty list, denoted as [] in C#, signifies there are no elements (dates) within the list.

Expected Behavior:

Since the list is empty, there are no dates to compare against the current day of the week. Therefore, the expected behavior for CountDatesMatchingToday is to return 0, indicating zero matches.


[Fact] public void CountDatesMatchingToday_EmptyList_ReturnsZero() 
	// Arrange 
	List<DateTime> dates = new List<DateTime>(); 
	// Create an empty list 

	// Act 
	int count = CountDatesMatchingToday(dates); 
	// Call the function with empty list 

	// Assert 
	Assert.Equal(0, count); 
	// Verify function returns 0 (no matches) 

In the above code:

  1. Test Name: CountDatesMatchingToday_EmptyList_ReturnsZero clearly describes the scenario and expected outcome.

  2. [Fact] Attribute:  This attribute from the testing framework (like NUnit or xUnit) identifies the method as a unit test.

  3. List<DateTime> dates: We declare a variable named dates of type List<DateTime>. This creates an empty list specifically designed to hold DateTime objects (dates and times).

  4. dates = new List<DateTime>();:  We initialize the dates list with a new empty instance of List<DateTime>. This ensures there are no elements within the list when we pass it to the function.

  5. int count = CountDatesMatchingToday(dates);: This line is the core of the test. It calls the CountDatesMatchingToday function, passing the empty dates list as input. The result, which is the count of matching dates, is then stored in the variable count.

  6. Assert.Equal(0, count);:  This line utilizes the assertion library provided by the testing framework. Here, we're asserting that the value stored in count (the returned count from the function) should be equal to 0. Since the list was empty, there shouldn't be any matches, resulting in a return value of 0.


This test serves a crucial purpose. It confirms that the CountDatesMatchingToday function handles edge cases appropriately. An empty list is a valid input scenario, and ensuring the function returns 0 in this case demonstrates its robustness and ability to deal with various data types.

Key Points:

  • Testing with an empty list is essential for validating the function's ability to handle the absence of data.

  • It helps catch potential errors early in the development phase.

  • Empty list testing establishes a baseline behavior for the function when no dates are provided.

2. Some Matches:

Here, we focus on verifying the function's accuracy when the input list contains a mix of dates, some of which match the current day of the week.

Test Data:

Assume today is Wednesday, March 20th, 2024. We'll construct a list with:

  • Tuesday, March 19th (yesterday)

  • Friday, March 22nd (two days from now)

  • Monday, April 15th (same day of the week next month)

Expected Behavior:

The function should correctly identify and count only the dates that share the same day of the week as today (Wednesday). In this case, those dates are:

  • Friday, March 22nd

  • Monday, April 15th

Therefore, the expected return value is 2, representing the two matching dates.

public void CountDatesMatchingToday_SomeMatches_ReturnsCorrectCount()
    // Arrange
    var today = DateTime.Now;  
	// Get current date
	List<DateTime> dates = new List<DateTime>()
		// Yesterday (different day)
		// Two days from now (same day of week)
		// Same day of week next month

    // Act
    int count = CountDatesMatchingToday(dates);

    // Assert
    Assert.Equal(2, count);    
	// Verify function returns 2 (the correct count)

Key Points:

  • This test covers a common use case where the input list has a combination of matching and non-matching dates.

  • It ensures the function accurately identifies and counts only those dates that fall on the same day of the week as today.

  • The test code creates a list with specific dates for demonstration, but in practice, you'd test with various combinations to ensure comprehensive coverage.

3. No Matches:

In this test case, we're learn how CountDatesMatchingToday behaves when the input list contains dates that fall on entirely different days of the week compared to today.

Test Data:

Imagine today is Wednesday, March 20th, 2024. We'll create a list with dates from distinct days of the week:

  • Monday, March 18th (day before yesterday)

  • Thursday, March 21st (tomorrow)

  • Sunday, April 14th (different day of the week next month)

Expected Behavior:

Since none of the dates in the list share the same day of the week (Wednesday) as today, the function should return 0. There shouldn't be any matches in this scenario.

public void CountDatesMatchingToday_NoMatches_ReturnsZero()
    // Arrange
    var today = DateTime.Now;  
	// Get current date
	List<DateTime> dates = new List<DateTime>()
		// Two days ago (different day of week)
		// Tomorrow (different day of week)
		// Different day of week next month

    // Act
    int count = CountDatesMatchingToday(dates);

    // Assert
    Assert.Equal(0, count);  
	// Verify function returns 0 (no matches)

In the above code:

  1. Test Name: CountDatesMatchingToday_NoMatches_ReturnsZero clearly describes the scenario and expected outcome.

  2. [Fact] Attribute:  This attribute from the testing framework identifies the method as a unit test.

  3. var today = DateTime.Now;: We get the current date using DateTime.Now. This ensures the test remains relevant regardless of when it's run.

  4. List<DateTime> dates: We create an empty list of DateTime objects.

  5. Populating the List: We add elements (dates) to the list using methods like AddDays and AddMonths to manipulate the current date and create dates from different days of the week.

  6. Calling the Function: The core of the test involves calling CountDatesMatchingToday with the list containing non-matching dates.

  7. Assertion: We use Assert.Equal(0, count) to verify that the function returns 0, indicating no matches were found in the list.

Importance of this Test:

This test case plays a critical role in guaranteeing the function's correctness. It confirms that CountDatesMatchingToday doesn't mistakenly count dates from different days of the week as matches. By testing with scenarios where there are no matches, we gain confidence in the function's ability to accurately identify relevant dates based on the day of the week.

4. All Matches:

In this test, we're focusing on how CountDatesMatchingToday behaves when the input list exclusively contains dates that share the same day of the week as today.

Test Data:

Assume today is Wednesday, March 20th, 2024. We'll create a list with all Wednesdays:

  • Today (Wednesday, March 20th)

  • Wednesday of next week (March 27th)

  • Third Wednesday of April (April 10th)

Expected Behavior:

Since all the dates in the list fall on the same day of the week (Wednesday) as today, the function should return the entire list count. In this case, there are three Wednesdays in the list, so the expected return value is 3.

public void CountDatesMatchingToday_AllMatches_ReturnsListCount()
    // Arrange
    var today = DateTime.Now;  
	// Get current date
	List<DateTime> dates = new List<DateTime>()
		// Today (same day of week)
		// Same day of week next week
		// Third Wednesday of April (same day of week)

    // Act
    int count = CountDatesMatchingToday(dates);

    // Assert
    Assert.Equal(dates.Count, count);  
	// Verify function returns list count (all matches)

In the above code:

  1. Test Name: CountDatesMatchingToday_AllMatches_ReturnsListCount clearly describes the scenario and expected outcome.

  2. [Fact] Attribute:  This attribute from the testing framework identifies the method as a unit test.

  3. var today = DateTime.Now;: We get the current date using DateTime.Now.

  4. List<DateTime> dates: We create an empty list of DateTime objects.

  5. Populating the List: We add elements (dates) to the list using methods like AddDays and AddMonths to manipulate the current date and create Wednesdays from this week, next week, and next month.

  6. Calling the Function: The core of the test is calling CountDatesMatchingToday with the list containing all matching Wednesdays.

  7. Assertion: We use Assert.Equal(dates.Count, count) to verify that the function returns the same value as the list's count (dates.Count). Since all elements in the list are matches, this ensures the function correctly counts all matching dates.

Importance of this Test:

This test case is important to ensure the function accurately handles scenarios where all input dates fall on the same day of the week. It verifies that CountDatesMatchingToday doesn't miss any matches when presented with a list of entirely relevant dates. By testing with a full set of matches, we build confidence in the function's ability to comprehensively count dates based on the day-of-the-week comparison.

Benefits of Using Unit Test

Unit test in c# offers a multitude of benefits that contribute to the overall quality, maintainability, and reliability of your codebase:

1. Improved Code Quality:

Unit tests act as a safety net by identifying errors early in the development cycle. By forcing you to think about the expected behavior of your code under various conditions, unit tests help you write more robust and well-structured code.

Catching bugs early during development prevents them from snowballing into larger issues later on, saving time and effort in the long run.

2. Reduced Bugs and Regressions:

Unit tests serve as regression safety nets. When you modify code, you can re-run the unit tests to ensure that the changes haven't unintentionally broken any existing functionality. This significantly reduces the risk of introducing bugs through code changes.

3. Enhanced Maintainability:

Unit tests act as living documentation for your code. They clearly illustrate how the code functions under different inputs, making it easier for other developers (or your future self) to understand the purpose and behavior of the code.

4. Increased Developer Confidence:

When you have a suite of well-written unit tests, you gain confidence in the code's correctness. This allows you to make changes or refactor code with greater peace of mind, knowing that the tests will catch any unintended consequences.

5. Promotes Agile Development Practices:

Unit testing aligns well with agile development methodologies. By writing and running tests frequently, you receive immediate feedback on the impact of your changes, enabling iterative development and faster release cycles.


Unit test for the CountDatesMatchingToday function in C# has proven to be a valuable exercise. By constructing various test cases, we've ensured the function behaves as expected under different input scenarios, fostering confidence in its ability to accurately count dates based on the day-of-the-week comparison. This approach of unit testing individual units of code is a cornerstone of software development.


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