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What does Static mean in Java?

Writer: The Tech PlatformThe Tech Platform

In Java programming, you'll encounter the keyword static quite often. But what does Static mean in Java? How does it affect your code? Put static defines members (variables and methods) that belong to the class itself not to individual objects created from that class. This seemingly small concept has a significant impact on how your program functions and utilizes memory.

What does Static mean in Java?

In the following sections, we'll delve deeper into the distinction between static and non-static members, their usage scenarios, and their impact on your Java code.

What does Static mean in Java?

In Java, the keyword static defines members (variables and methods) that belong to the class itself, rather than individual objects.  This means there's only one copy of a static member in memory, and it's accessed using the class name, not requiring an object creation. Static members are ideal for constants, shared data used by all objects, and utility functions that don't rely on a specific object's state. Understanding when to use static members effectively is important for writing memory-efficient, reusable, and well-organized Java code.

Understanding Static Members

Static members in Java are a fundamental concept that defines properties and functionalities shared across all instances of a class. They offer memory efficiency, code reusability, and a way to manage class-level elements.

Here is the difference between static and non-static members:


Static Members

Non-Static (Instance) Members


Class name

Object reference


Once during class loading

Each time an object is created


Single copy

Multiple copies (one per object)

Access to other members

Only static members directly

Both static and instance members


Constants (e.g., Math.PI), shared data (e.g., a counter keeping track of created objects), utility functions (e.g., String.toUpperCase()).

 Instance variables (e.g., a Person object's name and age), instance methods (e.g., a Car object's accelerate() method).

When to Use Static Members:

  • Constants: Values that never change throughout the program (e.g., Math.PI).

  • Shared Data: Data shared by all objects of a class (e.g., a counter for objects created).

  • Utility Functions: Functions that operate on the class level and don't rely on object state (e.g., String.valueOf()).

  • Factory Methods: Static methods are used to create new objects of the class (following the factory pattern).

When to Use Non-Static Members:

  • Object-Specific Data: Data unique to each object (e.g., a Person object's name and age).

  • Object Behaviors: Methods that define functionalities specific to an object's state (e.g., a Car object's accelerate() method).

Types of Static Members

In Java, a static member is a class member that belongs to the class itself, not to individual objects created from the class. These members can be:

1. Static Variables

A static variable is declared using the static keyword within a class. Unlike instance variables unique to each object, a static variable has only one copy in memory, regardless of how many objects are created from the class. This single copy is shared by all instances. If any changes are made to it from one object is reflected in all others.

  • Instance Variable: Specific to each object. Each object has its copy of the variable.

  • Static Variable: Shared across all objects of the class. There's only one copy in memory.

let's see how to declare static variables in Java.

To declare a static variable, simply use the static keyword before the variable type within the class definition:

public class MyClass {
  public static int staticVariable = 0; 
  // Declaration of a static variable

Points to Remember:

  • Static variables can be of any primitive data type or reference type (e.g., int, String, custom objects).

  • They can be declared with or without an access modifier (public, private, protected).

Use Cases for Static Variables

Static variables offer several advantages in Java programming. Here are some common use cases:

Constants: Define constants that never change throughout the program's execution. Use the final keyword along with static to ensure immutability.

public class MathUtil {
  public static final double PI = 3.14159; 
  // Constant value of PI

Shared Data: Utilize static variables to store data that needs to be shared by all objects of a class. This could be a counter-keeping track of objects created or a configuration value used throughout the application.

public class Counter {
  private static int objectCount = 0; 
  // Keeps track of created objects

  public Counter() {

  public static int getObjectCount() {
    return objectCount;

Benefits of Static Variables:

  • Memory Efficiency: Since there's only one copy in memory, static variables save space compared to instance variables for each object.

  • Global Access:  Static variables can be accessed directly using the class name, eliminating the need to create an object instance first.

2. Static Methods

A static method is a method declared using the static keyword within a class. Unlike instance methods, which operate on specific objects and require an object reference to be called, static methods can be invoked directly using the class name. They don't have direct access to non-static (instance) variables of the class.

Static vs instance methods in Java

Here are the key differences between the static method and the instance method in Java:


Static Method

Instance Method


Class name

Object reference

Associated with

Class itself

Individual object

Access to instance data

No direct access

Can access instance variables

Declaration with the static Keyword

To declare a static method, simply use the static keyword before the return type within the class definition:

public class StringHelper {
  public static String toUpperCase(String str) {
    // Implementation to convert string to uppercase

Points to Remember:

  • Static methods can have any access modifier (public, private, protected).

  • They can return any data type or be declared void if they don't return a value.

  • Static methods can take parameters like instance methods.

Static Methods in Java example

Static methods offer various functionalities within a class. Here are two common use cases:

  • Utility Functions: These are helper methods that perform operations independent of the object state. They are often used for common tasks like string manipulation, mathematical calculations, or conversions.

public class MathUtil {
  public static double calculateArea(double radius) {
    return Math.PI * radius * radius;

// Usage: Calling the static method without an object
double area = MathUtil.calculateArea(5);

  • Factory Methods: These are static methods that create and return new objects of the class. This promotes code reusability and can be used for complex object creation logic.

public class User {
  private String name;
  private int age;

  public User(String name, int age) { = name;
    this.age = age;

  public static User createUser(String name, int age) {
    return new User(name, age);

// Usage: Creating a User object using the factory method
User user1 = User.createUser("Alice", 30);

Benefits of Static Methods in Java:

  • Code Reusability: Static methods can be used by any object of the class, promoting code reuse and reducing redundancy.

  • Improved Readability: Separating utility functions from object-specific behavior can improve code readability and maintainability.

3. Java Static Blocks

Static blocks are code blocks enclosed within curly braces {} and preceded by the static keyword within a class definition. They act as initialization scripts specifically for static members. Unlike constructors, which initialize objects, static blocks initialize the class itself.

Key Points:

  • A class can have multiple static blocks.

  • They are executed in the order they appear in the code.

  • Static blocks cannot access non-static (instance) members of the class directly.

Execution Before the Main Method

Static blocks are executed before the main method during class loading. This ensures that any static member initialization happens before your program starts using them. The Java ClassLoader reads the class definition, executes static blocks in the order they appear, and then proceeds to the main method execution.

Importance of Early Execution:

  • Guarantees static member initialization before they are used.

  • Useful for setting up static variables or performing logic that needs to happen only once at class loading.

Using a Java Static Block example

Here's a simple example demonstrating a static block for initializing a static variable:

public class Config {
  public static final String APP_NAME;

  static { // Static block for initialization
    APP_NAME = "My Awesome Application";

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.println("Application Name: " + APP_NAME);

In this example:

  • The static variable APP_NAME is declared final to ensure it cannot be changed after initialization.

  • The static block assigns the value "My Awesome Application" to APP_NAME.

  • The main method accesses the static variable using the class name Config.

Benefits of Static Blocks:

  • Controlled Initialization: Ensures static members are initialized before use.

  • Centralized Logic: Provides a dedicated space for class-level initialization code.


  • Order of Execution: Static blocks execute in the order they appear, so be mindful of dependencies between them.

  • No Instance Access: Static blocks cannot directly access instance members.

4. Static Nested Classes Java

A nested class is a class defined within another class. It can access members (variables and methods) of the enclosing class, including private members, due to its closer scope. There are two types of nested classes:

  • Inner Class: Requires an instance of the outer class to be created before you can create an object of the inner class.

  • Static Nested Class: Declared with the static keyword within the outer class. It doesn't require an instance of the outer class for creation.

Static Nested Classes and Access Restrictions

A static nested class is a nested class declared with the static keyword. Unlike inner classes, static nested classes are associated with the outer class itself, not with individual objects of the outer class. Here's what this means:

  • Access: Static nested classes can only access static members (variables and methods) of the enclosing class directly. They cannot access non-static (instance) members without an object reference of the outer class.

  • Creation: You can create an object of a static nested class using the enclosing class name followed by a dot (.) and the nested class name. No outer class object creation is required.


public class OuterClass {

  public static class StaticNestedClass {
    public static void printMessage() {
      System.out.println("Message from Static Nested Class");

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    OuterClass.StaticNestedClass.printMessage(); // Accessing static nested class

Use Cases for Static Nested Classes

While less common than inner classes, static nested classes have specific use cases:

  • Utility Classes:  Define helper classes closely associated with the outer class but don't require full access to its state. These helper classes can be accessed directly using the outer class name, improving code readability.

  • Singletons:  Static nested classes can be used to implement the Singleton pattern, ensuring only one instance of a class exists throughout the application.

Points to Consider:

  • Limited Access: Static nested classes have limited access to the enclosing class, potentially requiring workarounds for accessing instance members.

  • Increased Complexity: Excessive use of static nested classes can increase code complexity, so use them judiciously.

Static vs. Instance Members (Methods and Variables)

Here's a table highlighting the key differences between static and instance members in Java:


Static Members

Instance Members


Belong to the class itself

Belong to individual objects


Class name

Object reference


Once during class loading

Each time an object is created

Access to other members

Only static members directly

Both static and instance members

Use Cases

Constants, shared data, utility functions

Object-specific data, behaviors

Understanding Access: Class Name vs. Object Reference

  • Static Members: Since they belong to the class itself, static members are accessed directly using the class name followed by a dot (.) and the member name. No object creation is necessary.

public class MathUtil {
  public static final double PI = 3.14159;

  public static double calculateArea(double radius) {
    return PI * radius * radius;

// Accessing static members using class name
double area = MathUtil.calculateArea(5);

  • Instance Members: These members are specific to each object and require an object reference to be accessed. You first need to create an object of the class and then use the dot notation with the object reference to access the member.

public class Person {
  private String name;
  private int age;

  public void setName(String name) { = name;

  public String getName() {
    return name;

// Creating an object and accessing instance members
Person person1 = new Person();
String name = person1.getName();

Limitations of Static Methods in Accessing Instance Members

Static methods cannot directly access non-static (instance) members of the class. This is because static methods are not associated with a specific object and don't have access to its instance data.

Here's why:

  • Static methods are executed during class loading before any objects are created.

  • They operate at the class level and don't have a reference to a particular object instance.


  • Pass the object reference as an argument to the static method.

  • If the static method needs to modify instance data, consider using an instance method instead.

Advantages and Considerations of Using Static Members in Java


  • Memory Efficiency: Static members are stored only once in memory, regardless of how many objects are created from the class. This saves memory compared to instance variables for each object, especially for primitive data types or small objects.

  • Code Reusability: Static methods provide utility functions that can be used by any object of the class. This promotes code reuse and avoids writing the same logic repeatedly.


  • Tight Coupling: Excessive use of static members can lead to tightly coupled code. This means that classes become more dependent on each other, making them harder to test and maintain in isolation. Modifying a static member in one part of the code can have unintended consequences elsewhere.

  • Limited Flexibility: Static variables cannot be easily customized for individual objects. Since there's only one copy, all objects share the same value. This can be limiting if you need different values for different objects.

Here are some additional points to consider:

  • Readability: Static members can improve code readability by separating class-level functionalities from object-specific behaviors.

  • Performance: Accessing static members can be slightly faster than instance members because no object reference lookup is involved. However, this is usually negligible in most applications.

When to Use the Static Keyword in Java?

Here are guidelines on when to use the static keyword in Java:

Use Static Members for:

  • Constants: When a value never changes throughout the program's execution, declare it as a static final variable. This ensures a single copy in memory and prevents accidental modification.

public class MathUtil {
  public static final double PI = 3.14159;

  • Shared Data: If data needs to be shared by all objects of a class, like a counter keeping track of objects created, make it static. This ensures a single source of truth for the shared data.

public class Counter {
  private static int objectCount = 0; // Keeps track of created objects

  public Counter() {

  public static int getObjectCount() {
    return objectCount;

  • Utility Functions: Static methods are ideal for helper functions that perform operations independent of object state. These can be mathematical calculations, string manipulation functions, or conversion utilities.

public class StringHelper {
  public static String toUpperCase(String str) {
    return str.toUpperCase();

  • Factory Methods: Static methods can be used to create new objects of the class, following the factory pattern. This can simplify object creation logic and promote code reusability.

public class User {
  // ... (User class definition)

  public static User createUser(String name, int age) {
    return new User(name, age);

Use Instance, Members, for:

  • Object-Specific Data: Instance variables store data unique to each object, such as a person's name or a bank account balance.

public class Person {
  private String name;
  private int age;

  // ... (constructor, methods to access and modify name and age)

  • Object Behaviors: Instance methods define functionalities specific to an object's state. These methods can operate on the object's data to achieve desired behavior.

public class Car {
  private String model;
  private int speed;

  public void accelerate() {
    speed += 10;

  public int getSpeed() {
    return speed;

Key Points:

  • These guidelines can promote code efficiency, reusability, and maintainability.

  • If you pass an object reference as an argument to a static method to access its data, it might be a sign that a static method is not the best approach. Consider using an instance method instead.

  • The decision to use static or instance members depends on the specific needs of your program. Analyze data and functionalities to determine the appropriate approach.


We've explored the concept of static members in Java, but a special case deserves its spotlight: the static void main(String[] args) method.

  • The static void main(String[] args) method is the entry point of every Java program. This is where your program's execution begins.

  • It's declared as static because it's called before any objects are created.

  • It has a void return type, meaning it doesn't return any value after its execution.

  • The String[] args argument allows you to pass command-line arguments to your program for customization.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Static in Java

Question 1. What is the purpose of the static void main(String[] args) method?

The static void main(String[] args) method is the entry point of a Java program. When you run a Java application, the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) first looks for this method in the main class and then executes the code within it.

Question 2. Why is the main method declared as static?

The main method is declared as static because it's called before any objects of the class are created. Since static members are associated with the class itself and not with individual objects, the main method can be invoked without needing an object instance.

Question 3. Why is the return type of the main method void?

The main method doesn't return any value to the caller (JVM) after its execution. It performs the necessary operations within the program and then terminates.

Question 4. What is the purpose of the String[] args argument in the main method?

The String[] args argument is an array of strings that can be used to pass command-line arguments to your Java program. You can access these arguments within the main method to customize the program's behavior based on user input.

Question 5. Can I overload the main method (have multiple main methods with different signatures)?

No, you cannot overload the main method in Java. There can only be one main method with the signature static void main(String[] args).

Question 6. Can I make the main method non-static, private, or protected?

No, the main method must be declared as public static void main(String[] args). This specific signature is required for the JVM to recognize it as the entry point.

Question 7. Can I define a class without a main method?

Yes, you can define a class without a main method. However, such a class cannot be directly executed as a standalone program. It can still be used as part of another program that has a main method.

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Aug 07, 2024

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