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What is AWS CloudFormation?

Writer: The Tech PlatformThe Tech Platform

In cloud computing, managing infrastructure efficiently is crucial for success. Manually provisioning and configuring resources can be time-consuming, error-prone, and hinder your agility. AWS CloudFormation offers a solution for infrastructure as code (IaC) in the AWS cloud.  This article explores the core concepts of CloudFormation, guides you through creating templates and managing stacks, and showcases the benefits of building and maintaining your cloud infrastructure.

CloudFormation can automate the creation, management, and deletion of the AWS infrastructure through CloudFormation templates and stacks. These templates act as blueprints, written in human-readable JSON or YAML format, that define the AWS resources you want to deploy and configure.

What is AWS CloudFormation?

AWS CloudFormation is an Infrastructure as Code (IaC) service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It enables you to automate the provisioning and management of your AWS infrastructure in a repeatable, secure, and cost-effective way.

How Does It Work?

AWS CloudFormation

Template Creation:

CloudFormation templates are written in JSON or YAML, both human-readable text formats. This allows for easy editing and collaboration.

The template defines the resources you want to provision in your AWS infrastructure. It consists of three main sections:

  • Parameters: These are variables that you can specify when creating a stack. They allow you to customize your deployments without modifying the core template. (e.g., Instance type, database size)

  • Resources: This section defines the specific AWS resources you want to create, such as EC2 instances, S3 buckets, security groups, etc. Each resource type has its properties that you can configure within the template. (e.g., Instance type: t2.micro, Security Group rules)

  • Outputs: This section retrieves values from the deployed resources after a stack creation. For example, you might want to capture the public IP address of a newly created EC2 instance.

Uploading and Stack Creation:

  • Local Storage or S3: You can store your template locally on your machine or upload it to an Amazon S3 bucket. S3 offers centralized storage, version control, and easier access from the AWS CloudFormation service.

  • Creating a Stack: Once your template is ready, you use the AWS CloudFormation service to create a "stack." A stack is essentially a collection of AWS resources defined in your template. When you make a stack, CloudFormation takes your template and provisions all the resources described within it. Think of it like building a house based on a blueprint.

  • Dependency Management: CloudFormation automatically manages the dependencies between resources. For instance, if your template defines an EC2 instance that relies on a security group, CloudFormation will ensure the security group is created before provisioning the instance.

Post-Creation Management:

  • Updates: CloudFormation allows you to update existing stacks using modified templates. It intelligently identifies the changes needed and updates the resources accordingly, minimizing downtime.

  • Deletions: You can also delete stacks when they're no longer needed. CloudFormation will tear down all the resources associated with the stack in a safe and orderly manner.

Core Concepts of AWS CloudFormation

The fundamental concepts of AWS CloudFormation include

  1. Templates

  2. Stacks

  3. Change sets.

1. Template

CloudFormation templates are the foundation for automating infrastructure provisioning and management in AWS. Written in human-readable JSON or YAML format, these templates act as blueprints that define the AWS resources you want to create and configure.

Structure of a CloudFormation Template

A CloudFormation template is comprised of three key sections:

  • AWSTemplateFormatVersion: Specifies the CloudFormation template version being used.

  • Description: A brief description of the template's purpose.

  • Resources: This section defines the specific AWS resources you want to deploy. Each resource type has its properties that you can configure within the template. Here are some common examples:

  • Amazon EC2 Instances: Define instance type, AMI ID, security groups, and storage configurations.

  • Amazon S3 Buckets: Specify bucket names, access control settings, and encryption options.

  • Amazon RDS Databases: Configure database engine, instance type, storage size, and security groups.

Example: Launching an EC2 Instance with EBS Volume

Here's a sample CloudFormation template showcasing an EC2 instance launch with an EBS volume attached:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Description: 'A sample template to launch an EC2 instance with EBS volume'

    Type: 'AWS::EC2::Instance'
      ImageId: 'ami-0ff8a91507f77f867'  # Replace with desired AMI ID
      InstanceType: 't2.micro'
      KeyName: 'testkey'  # Replace with your key pair name
        - DeviceName: '/dev/sdm'
            VolumeType: 'gp2'
            VolumeSize: 10  # Size in GB
  • This template defines a resource named MyEC2Instance with the type AWS::EC2::Instance.

  • The Properties section configures the instance with details like AMI ID, instance type, key pair name, and EBS volume configuration.

Building Complex Infrastructure

CloudFormation templates offer more than just launching individual resources. You can define relationships and dependencies between resources, allowing you to build complex infrastructure deployments. Here are some additional capabilities:

  • Specifying Parameters: Create templates that accept user-defined values (parameters) during stack creation. This promotes reusability as core configurations remain in the template, while instance type or database size can be customized per deployment.

  • Associating Resources: Link resources together. For example, you could create a template that launches an EC2 instance and automatically assigns an Elastic IP address (EIP).

2. Stacks

In CloudFormation, related resources are managed as a single unit called a stack.  A stack acts as a single unit, encapsulating all the resources you want to provision, configure, and manage. You create, update, and delete stacks to manage the corresponding collection of resources defined in the template.

Example: Imagine you have a template of an Auto Scaling group for scaling web servers, an Elastic Load Balancing load balancer to distribute traffic across those servers, and an Amazon RDS database instance to store your application data. By creating a stack from this template, CloudFormation will automatically provision all these resources for you, eliminating the need for manual configuration.

Working with Stacks: Create, Update, and Delete

CloudFormation provides multiple ways to manage your stacks:

  • AWS CloudFormation console: A user-friendly interface for creating, visualizing, and managing stacks through a web browser.

  • AWS CloudFormation API: Programmatically interact with CloudFormation using the API for automation and workflow integration.

  • AWS CLI (Command Line Interface): Use commands to manage stacks directly from your terminal.

3. Change sets

CloudFormation offers a valuable feature called change sets. These act as a preview mechanism, providing a detailed summary of the modifications you plan to make to your stack's resources. By generating a change set, you can meticulously assess how these proposed changes might affect your running infrastructure, especially for critical resources.

Understanding Change Set Benefits

Here's why using change sets is a best practice:

  • Identify Potential Issues: Change sets proactively highlight potential problems that could arise during the update process. This allows you to address them before they disrupt your running resources.

  • Data Loss Prevention: Consider a scenario where you plan to modify the name of an Amazon RDS database instance. Without a change set preview, CloudFormation would create a new database and delete the old one, leading to data loss unless you've backed it up beforehand. A change set would clearly show this consequence, enabling you to plan accordingly and ensure data is secured.

  • Informed Decision Making: Change sets provide valuable insights into the scope and impact of your planned modifications. This empowers you to make informed decisions before applying the updates to your live infrastructure.

Generating a Change Set

Generating a change set is straightforward and can be done through the AWS CloudFormation console, API, or CLI. Once created, the change set outlines the specific changes that will be made to your resources upon stack update. You can then review the change set details and make necessary adjustments before applying the update.

Benefits of using AWS CloudFormation

  • Reduced Cost and Errors: Automating infrastructure provisioning eliminates manual configuration errors and streamlines resource creation, leading to cost savings and improved efficiency.

  • Improved Repeatability and Consistency: CloudFormation templates ensure consistent infrastructure deployments across environments, preventing inconsistencies and simplifying rollbacks.

  • Enhanced Security: Templates allow you to define security best practices and configurations upfront, reducing the risk of security vulnerabilities.

  • Simplified Infrastructure Management: Manage your entire infrastructure through code, enabling easier version control, collaboration, and tracking of changes.

Use Cases for AWS CloudFormation

  • Automated Application Deployments: Deploy complex applications with all their dependencies (e.g., servers, databases, load balancers) in a single operation.

  • Standardized Infrastructure Provisioning: Ensure consistent infrastructure configurations across development, testing, and production environments.

  • Multi-Account and Region Management: Easily manage infrastructure deployments across multiple AWS accounts and regions from a central location.

  • Repeatable Disaster Recovery: Define and automate disaster recovery plans for rapid and consistent infrastructure restoration.


By leveraging AWS CloudFormation and its capabilities for infrastructure as code (IaC), you can streamline your infrastructure management in AWS. CloudFormation templates provide a reusable and declarative approach to defining your infrastructure, while stacks offer a centralized unit for managing related resources.


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