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Why should we use Angular?

Writer's picture: The Tech PlatformThe Tech Platform

In this articles we will learn Angular, Its advantages and Disadvantages and difference between Angular and other Frameworks.

Angular is an open source JavaScript Framework based on TypeScript, which was developed by Google for Web Development. As a framework, Angular has clear advantages while also providing a standard structure for developers to work with. It enables users to create large applications in a maintainable manner.

JavaScript is the most commonly used client-side scripting language. It is written into HTML documents to enable interactions with web pages in many unique ways. As a relatively easy-to-learn language with pervasive support, it is well-suited to develop modern applications.

But is JavaScript ideal for developing single-page applications that require modularity, testability, and developer productivity? Perhaps not.

These days, we have a variety of frameworks and libraries designed to provide alternative solutions. With respect to front-end web development, Angular addresses many, if not all, of the issues developers face when using JavaScript on its own.

Key Features of Angular

  • Built-in support for AJAX, HTTP, and Observables

  • Large community support

  • Consistent with technology

  • Typescript offers efficiency

  • Cleaner and crisp Coding

  • Enhanced support for error handling

  • Seamless updates using Angular CLI

  • Forms and validation

  • Shadow DOM / local CSS

  • UI and Business Logic Separation


Below are the points that show how and where Angular rocks and where it doesn't:

1. Components-Based:

The whole architecture of Angular, which is component-based, is one of the most important factors that separate Angular from others. Providing code of higher quality in a proper hierarchy with components as sections with respective functionality.

2. Testing Friendly:

Having an application comprised of components as elements come with another advantage of being able to test Units separately in an efficient method.

3. Data Binding:

Angular enables users to effortlessly move data from JavaScript code to the view, and react to user events without having to write any code manually.

4. Dependency Injection:

Angular enables users to write modular services and inject them wherever they are needed. This improves the testability and reusability of the same services.

5. Comprehensive:

Angular is a full-fledged framework and provides out-of-the-box solutions for server communication, routing within your application, and more.

6. Browser Compatibility:

Angular is cross-platform and compatible with multiple browsers. An Angular application can typically run on all browsers (Eg: Chrome, Firefox) and OSes, such as Windows, macOS, and Linux.


1. Steep Learning Curve:

The basic components of Angular that all users should know include directives, modules, decorators, components, services, dependency injection, pipes, and templates. More advanced topics include change detection, zones, AoT compilation, and Rx.js. For beginners, Angular 4 may be challenging to learn because it is a complete framework.

2. Limited SEO Options:

Angular offers limited SEO options and poor accessibility to search engine crawlers.

3. Migration:

One of the reasons why companies do not frequently use Angular is the difficulty in porting legacy js/jquery-based code to angular style architecture. Also, each new release can be troublesome to upgrade, and several of them are not backward-compatible.

4. Verbose and Complex:

A common issue in the Angular community is the verbosity of the framework. It is also fairly complex compared to other front-end tools.

Difference Between Angular and React

Angular React

Angular is a Structural Framework for developing React is JavaScript library that allows you to build

dynamic web apps. UI Components

It is based on MVC (Model View Controller) Its is based on Virtual DOM

Angular is based on TypeScript React is based on JavaScript.

Angular doesn't provide adding JavaScript library React allows adding Javascript library to the

to the source code source code.

It provides testing and debugging for complete It requires a set of tools to perform different types

project with single tool of testing.

Difference Between Angular and VueJS

Angular VueJS

Angular is more complex than Vue, both in Vue is easier to manage, both at the design and

terms of design and its API. Building a complex API level. Anyone who knows HTML, CSS and

app with Angular is more time-consuming JavaScript can build a single-page application

compared to Vue. in less than a day using Vue.

Angular offers official support for a range of Vue is flexible, but not quite as flexible as Angular.

systems without restrictions on the overall project

structure. Because it's so flexible, developers

hold it in high regard.

Angular doesn't let developers down in terms Vue is fast and performs similarly to Angular on

of performance. It's fast, even when there are a the same benchmarks.

lot of watchers.

Angular is steeper is because it uses TypeScript. While Vue has TypeScript support, it's not used

While those proficient in JavaScript shouldn't much. That said, Vue might become an entirely

have a problem picking up TypeScript, beginners TypeScript-based platform in time.

might find it difficult.

The Tech Platform


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